My mum

Good afternoon to all of you this to me is very dissressing siuation I have been last few years and try to explain this best way possible I’m a only child of 42 my mum and dad had a happy marriage ups and downs in 2012 my dad was diagnosed with dementia cardio vascular he was a very fit man being in the army and playing football liked a drink loved me and my mum they dident have a lot of money but always made sure we had a roof over our heads he was taken into hospital to be assed which was heartbreaking for me and mum he was then put into a home which dealt with his case which was horrible things going missing not washed etc I did what I could buying clothes shoes and the alike I took my mum to see him most days my mum was I’ll to she had ovarian cancer which she kept quiet about it I did know my dad passed away in August 2017 I was married at the time which me and my wife were arguing as trying to work look after my parents and home life she told me in the end to choose between my ill parents and her she walked out in 2016 filled for divorce on me reguarding the above it was put to court and in respect of what happened the court this week have divorced me from my ex wife while all this was going onover the last 5 years my mums health declined in 2018 as she had a heart attack and stroke she was in hospital most of the year took her home to me so I could look after her I was working full time as was a gritter driver night shift I would come see to my mum make her comfortable she was put into sheltered accommodation which was not good but I told them from the start that she needed round the clock care this did not happen I cared for her I did everything I washed fed did her legs washing etc and working I don’t have anyone to help me it was very difficult and I was exhausted mentally and physically I cry a lot my mental health has suffered I have asked for help but no one bothers my mums cancer had taken over her body she was taken back into hospital last December just after Christmas where she remained till February 15 th this year where she passed away she had ovarian cancer which had spread  I miss my parents badly I have no support I’m basically left here by myself I did so much for them the hospital where she was couldent believe what I did this has hit me very hard losing both parents so close together and my marriage failed I struggle with life on my own and find things ina different life 

  • Hi there ...

    So so sorry your going through this heartbraking time at the moment.... l cannot imagine how heartbraking it is to be an only child and loose both parents so quickly .. it's a shame someone didn't realise what you'd been through and got you councilling... think you need to talk it out .. get those emotions out.. ask your G P for the number of "cruse " if they are in your area .. they give councilling to those who are grieving .. which you still are ..  

    You need to reach out ... find charities that you could maybe volenteer for .. it would get you out and meeting people ... staying in will only make things appear more friutile ... in this life I've learned no one bangs on our doors to help us.. we have to reach out ... 

    Unfortunately so many marages split up in these cases ... we tend to push loved ones away when we grieve, instead of letting them in and sharing emotions .. someone else grieving is hard sometimes to be around when it is so intense ... I'm sure your not alone in loosing a partner ... 

    Sending you a vertual hug...  Chrissie x

  • Hi thankyou for your kind words I was seeing a mental health nurse for 5 years but the service was stopped due to cuts I have been asking for help but no avail a lot of the time I’m on my own I have phoned the Samaritans a number of times I’m not very confident and lost my edge I have days I’m ok but days I’m down just burst into tears there are days when I can’t be bothered with getting out of bed but I do it I don’t have muck close family as they drink and party most of the time I don’t drink I spend most of my time alone I know it’s probably not right but I find it difficult with big crowds my ex wife was a career but she just dident want anything to do with it being honest I felt that I was just on my own I miss my parents terribly it’s just nice to speak with someone who has been through the same thing as me thankyou 

  • Hi ...

    I hear you ... but now ask your G P about "cruse councilling "  hopefully they are still around ... but I've had some really bad low days in my life ... so I know what it feels like to  have a big black hole in front of us, and just wanting to jump in ... but I'm glad I didn't... there are kind people out there .. and every good charity like "help the aged" need volenteers ... you may not have your mum and dad, but you could help those mum's and dad's that have no children to help them .. 

    I lost both my parents in my 30s.... so I know how hard it is to carry on ... but just going a day at a time .. and yes reaching out to help others will give you back far more then you give ..that's what I've found in life ... you don't have to be around crowds ... just tell anyone your not good with too many people .. I'm sure they will find you something to help you help others ... 

    I'm here most days if you want a chat, when you feel down .. you see even by you reaching out on here, something comes back to you ...  Chrissie xx

  • Hi I have contacted cruse and others I have been in close contact with  gp since my mum and dad passed away it’s a on going support from them but being honest I have asked for help and no one gets back phoned emails etc it’s night time I find difficult I find that having a chat with someone is reassuring to know as where I live in a small village so not much going on I currently unemployed at the moment as was paid off but I am currently looking for work there are days my energy is totally zapped I have had this checked out doctor said that your body has been through so much better in such a short time and is still grieving I know what you are saying I worked for the nhs as a porter for 16 years many years back my dad got me the job there I did learn a lot from that and part was dealing with deaceased haveing to adjust from what has happened on this had caused me to be in isolation which is due to other family members to be around other parts of the country I’m not close to them I try to get out when I can my job with council which I’m tying to get back as I was gritter driver this was a big achievement for me passing my hgv and relavent training my mum was proud of me but being my mum worried about all the bad wether I stick to my guns and battled through it thankyou for speaking with me as gives bit a comfort that I am not alone 


  • You know , even on here there's other people like you, and you can empathise with loosing parents and loss .. those with cancer, like myself can empathise with others going through this journey... where as you can have a connection to those caring for someone ...  you've been there .. more people read these threads then answer .. so even when you don't realise , you could be helping someone else who feels lonely ... 

    Sometimes just saying, I've been there, I understand can help others more the you know .. and it really can join up others in the same boat , together .. you can look on here as much or little as you need .. but the biggest thing we all get from this is wer all in it together ...  Chrissie xx