My Mother has just been diagnosed with breast cancer

Hello there,

I am new to this forum as my mother was only diagnosed on Wednesday with breast cancer. It was picked up on a regular mamogram (it was actually due to be her last one given she has just turned 70yrs old/young!) She had a biopsy taken on Wednesday however the doctor has confirmed it is most definitely breast cancer and that it is also located in her lymph nodes. It is safe to say we are all in a state of shock, (I am one of four siblings) Mum has said it has not quite sunk in yet and she feels so well that she can't quite believe she has cancer... I and my sister are terrified we could loose her :-(

I am looking to understand what is the best way to support her please. She goes back to hospital on Tuesday to get the full results of the biopsy and treatment plan options. 



  • Hi Emma, I'm really sorry to hear of your mums diagnosis. It must have been such a shock. I thought I'd post as I know it isn't the same thing, but my gran (who I'm as close to as my mum) was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer on Wednesday. She is also at the stage of being told that lymph nodes are involved and we are waiting for her scan results to see if there is spread so we can discuss treatment options. She is a very fit and healthy 79 year old who looks about 55! She had her gallbladder removed due to gallstones, so to hear that it came bank cancerous was an enormous shock to us all. Her consultant included. I just wanted to say that I completely understand how you're feeling. I have gone from feeling upset, to angry, to defeated and all of a sudden I woke up this morning ready to help her fight this with every bone in my body. I'm so ready. I think she really appreciates this and I could feel in her voice that it made her feel better that I wasn't scared. I hope this helps you. I'm happy to talk anytime :) Emilie
  • Hi Emma...

    Sorry to hear about your mum. I thought I'd reply as it sounds a bit like I'm in the same boat as your mum. I had mammogram and biopsies on Thursday and the Dr told me it's cancer. I go back next Friday to find out about treatment. I've told my 4 children which was really hard to do. I'm more concerned with them being upset than myself I think. 

    I guess reality hasn't sunk in yet..ive spent time reading up on treatment and stages etc but really have to wait until results are back. 

    Sounds like you are a huge support to your mum.......we are taking a day at a time and just trying to keep things normal.

    Take care

    J x

  • Hi Emma

    So sorry to read about your mum. I'm also allowing the news to sink in about my cousin, in her fifties, just diagnosed about a week ago from a routine mammogram.  To be honest I am just coming out of the shock stage and as a big family we're all waiting for the test results.

    She has a disabled husband who she is more worried about so at the moment its hard to know what to do, and I don't live near her. I'm one of five siblings and cousins with an elderly mum so we're all trying to be strong but not knowing what she's facing yet. I've tried looking up treatments and to find out more about it but I don't know where to start until we have more info. 

    Not much comfort is it but I don't know what else to say. Sorry.

  • Hi Emma

    Sorry to hear about your Mum :(, I can totally relate to how you must be feeling and especally what may be going through your Mum's mind right now. I was first diagnosed myself with Breast Cancer 2 months ago and told it had spread to the lymph nodes, but is curative as other scans have shown its not spread anywhere else.  It took a while for it all to sink in and be in a postion to tell my family etc...

    What helped me the most to come to terms with it, was doing my own research and speaking with others who had similar.  This enabled me to make the right choice suitable for me, given am still young (45), and having a history of cancer run in the family, I needed to manage it in the best possible way I can, to not let it impact on the quality of life I have today and effect my work commitments.

    Don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you need when seeing Consultants/Oncologists, weighing up all the pros and cons, as this will also help in making the right decision for or on behalf of your Mother during these difficult times. I would also ask if I could record the discussions, as you cannot always remember everything they tell you.  Its helps when relaying information to other members of the family or you just need to hear again what they said.

    I am now in my 2nd Cycle of Chemo, and with a strong and positive mindset and a fighting spirit, its getting me through. The journey is not pleasant, I have to say, but everyone's journey is different, as we are all unique individuals.  All I keep reminding myself is that am gona beat it and will beat it and that I am going to be reborn again!

    Stay strong and positive, especially for your Mum, and you should all be able to get her through this, whatever decision she makes.

    Happy to chat anytime

    Sending lots of love and hugs to you all :) xxx

    BE STRONG! :)