My loss

My husband and I had isolated for fourteen weeks my husband had altzheimers dementia but still had a good quality of life so we went on holiday down to Cornwall in a cottage we had been there a week when my husband was taken poorly he was taken into hospital I was unable to be with him  because of covid  he did not pass of covid he had pneumonia  I was not with him when he passed away and the pain I feel from this is unbearable  I just cry everyday  I'm finding it so difficult to believe I will never see him again  we were married over thirty years  the lonely Ness is terrible  I have our beautiful border collie  which I am so grateful for  I do believe  in God  and hope that when my time comes we will be together  I try to think positive he passed  9 weeks ago now but seems like yesterday.... 

  • Hello Candylucy

    I'm sorry to hear that your husband passed away recently. From your post it sounds as if you loved him very much and I'm sure it's been a very difficult time for you. I'm so glad you have your collie for company; I'm sure he/she has been a great comfort to you during this time. 

    The thoughts and feelings that you describe in your post are very natural ones to experience after the loss of a loved one. You might find it helpful to have a look at the Cruse website and to get in touch with them for some bereavement support. I'm sure that talking to someone will help during these difficult times. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • I am sorry to hear of your loss.  My husband also passed 9 weeks ago.  He was perfectly fine and then was diagnosed with a very rare cancer and six weeks later he left me.  We were

    together for 54 years, since being 17.  We were looking forward to retirement one day and spending more time together.  I, like you, cry every day.  I can be fine one moment and then the tears fall.  I have a Westie and he give me a reason to get out of bed on a morning.  I dont think it will ever get better, it may get easier and perhaps one day we will be able to smile at the lovely memories we have instead of crying.  I have started to write each day telling my husband what I have been doing and that I love him which seems silly but it does appear to help me.  I hope one day we will be able to remember without tears but at the moment it doesnt seem that will ever happen.  Just know you are not the only one going through this agony.  I am sending you lots of love and hugs xx Jacki


















  • Thank you so much for your kind words and I am sorry for your loss as like you I see my husband everywhere in the seat he sat in and in the garden when I look out the window it's believing he is not here that I find difficult to accept I have been in garden today tidying up as he would not want it to go to rack and ruin we did so much work together and we were together all the time like you I am lost ... My lovely candy keeps me going bless her I tell her all the time daddy loved her and did not want to leave us.. I think that is a good idea of writing what you have done would you mind if I used your idea.. Thank you again to know I am not alone is a blessing.
  • Hi  I am so pleased that my words have helped you.  Try writing to your husband and I hope it helps you as much as it helps me.  Usually I am writing my words through tears.  I have not been able to move my husband's shoes from the hall as I expect him to come back at any time.  I know our husbands loved us so much that they would not want us to waste our lives crying and if cryiing could bring them back they would be here with us.  We can only hope that each day gives us a little more strength than the day before.  xx

  • I really will try writing  I think it's a wonderful suggestion I also have my husbands favourite jacket hanging  on the hanger where he put it . It seems strange in a way that so many people grieve in the same way   I can never see a time when I will get over this as we. Never had a chance to  talk to each other   although  we did tell each  other  how much we loved each other  prior to  him being taken into hospital  I do feel that because of covid and not being able to sit with him and hold his hand   is just too much to bear ..  I start writing tomorrow  god bless you and I  hope you  will continue to find  comfort in your writing xxx