My introduction



I am not sure where to start... My mum was diagnosed with terminal spinal cancer in June this year. This is the second time she has had cancer in the past 2 years. October last year she got the all clear for her rectal cancer but then at the start of lockdown she became ill and in pain in her back. She is currently going through her treatment, but it's heartbreaking to see her having to go through it all again, especially with Covid, everything seems even harder. 

I am 23 and live with my mum and dad, so I try my hardest to make sure they are both safe and try do as much as I can to take some of the weight off them. 

The hardest thing, I feel I am struggling with is being able to talk to people, especially with lockdown etc. I feel it is hard for people to understand if they haven't been through the same or similar thing. I don't want to just sound so down all the time to people as I am always the person there for them. I also can't meet anyone and speak to them as my mum is going through her treatment so she is classed as high risk. 


If there is someone who is going/been through the same/similar thing it would be really appreciated to speak to someone who understands and can share how they feel too. 




    Hi Bobby,

    Welcome to our forum. I lost my mum to secondary breast cancer which had spread to her liver, lungs and brain many years ago. I was diagnosed with breast cancer myself 10 years after she died. Since then I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer, fortunately they were both primaries. It is now 11 years since my first diagnosis.

    I am so sorry to hear about your mum's cancer journey. It is hard enough to go through treatment once, without having to undergo it for a second time. Covid certainly makes it harder to get through all this and, you will naturally be trying to isolate to ensure that you don't bring anything like this back to her.

    I expect that you find that many of your friends don't really appreciate what you are going through, simply because they've never had to deal with cancer themselves.

    I am only too familiar with the problems surrounding a cancer diagnosis and how it imposes on family as well as the patient. Many people on this site have been through or are going through the heartbreak that you are experiencing and, I'm sure that someone will come along to chat to you soon. I am glad to hear that you are living with your parents and therefore able to take some of the strain off them. You can also be with them at this awful time, when so many have found themselves separated from their loved ones. How is your dad coping? I expect that he will be glad of your company at times too.

    Do please keep in touch with us and, remember that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx