My intro

First, I want to say I'm sorry for all of you going through this horrible disease. I know many are a cancer survivor and I hope everyone here is, too. My husband has been through cancer three times, bladder, colon stage 3, and skin cancer. He's also gone though brain surgery to remove a tumor and other physical problems. That has been many years ago so he is a survivor! While I haven't been through cancer, I have been through some horrible physical problems almost dying twice in my life once as a child and the other a few years ago so I have been through some horrible physical pain in my life and still am so it gives me a lot of compassion for others that are. 

I love fur and feathered babies! They are such great therapy for us anyways. I really get upset if they are not loved and properly cared for as they feel pain, too, when diseases and other things strike them. 

Humor is also great therapy for me. I have  a very fun and silly sense of humor LOL but never humor that is unkind. I can't survive without humor. It's a stress buster for me. Doesn't take away my problems or my pain but it does relieve stress even if only briefly and I will take whatever relief I can get :)

Hope everyone has as good of day as possible and thanks for reading :) I do not sell anything unless you count yard sales LOL and I don't sell that online.



    Hi Sillygal,
    It sounds as if you and your husband have both been through the mill health wise. It is good to hear of another cancer survivor in your husband and I sincerely hope that this continues to be the case.
    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer and am currently undergoing tests for skin cancer. I was first diagnosed 8 years ago, so I suppose that I am a survivor too.

    I lost both parents, many close friends and other relatives to this disease. I feel lucky to have been diagnosed in this decade, as I find treatment and aftercare so much better than it was 20 years ago, when my mum was battling it. Instead of dying with cancer, people are now living with it. Sadly, this does not apply to all cancers, but hopefully it will in time.

    A sense of humor is definitely a bonus when dealing with any illness, as is a positive attitude.

    I hope that you both continue to keep well and do not give up the fight.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Heyyyy Jolamine and thanks for the message!

    Yes, you are a survivor, too :) and you certainly have gone through a lot too :(   But I am so sorry about your parents and friends :(  Most of my local friends have passed away, too :(

    Thanks for the kind words and I sure hope your health improves and that you don't have skin cancer!!


    Hi Sillygal,

    Thanks for your good wishes. If it does turn out to be skin cancer, I'll just have to deal with it as protocol directs.


    Jolamine xx

  • Oh, no, Jolamine, I'm so sorry you are having to go through even more than you already are :( I wish I knew what to say to help! Having read so many different responses on what helps one person to cope doesn't help another so that leaves me speechless on what to say to help encourage others going through what you and others are but I do care and I do wish you a very good and positive outcome :) Having lived with my husband for (have to stop and count LOL) 40 years gives me some insight on what to say to him :) oh, no! I am sorta giving away my age LOL