My husband has terminal cancer and I am struggling to cope

My hubby has terminal cancer he is bed bound lost loads of weight .

I can cope with looking after his needs but I am feeling unwell myself .

He does not deserve to go through this hell  it's is awful seeing him suffer I have had a terrible day today all he will take is water .

He was made bed bound with two rounds of radiotherapy but now the oncologist has said the cancer has taken the better of him it is an aggressive cancer in 7 months .

Such a shock I can't think how I will cope without him he is my life .

  • Hello Margtom, like Martin my husband died 24th January this year, at home and he also was bed bound, but you should have a paliative care team from your surgery and the district nurses on call 24/7, truly without them I'd have fallen apart.  Don't struggle on your own it makes you ill, tired and stressed.  Ask for help as it is available.  Martin and I know what you are suffering and are here if you need us.  Love Carol x 

  • Martin, beautifully put.  Carol x

  • Thank you for your kind words this is all new to us it has only been a few months on this awful treadmill of cancer .

    We have a palliative care team who are very supportive. 

    It seems that he now has a uti to contend with bless him .

    I am tired and depressed but its just one day at a time that is how I am taking it .

    Been feeling so low seeing my lovely man become so emaciated. 

    He is unable to eat but I am keeping him hydrated with fluids. 

    I may try the ice lolly someone suggested  

    Thank you I am sorry you have gone through this too x


  • Thanks Marg.  It is very hard and tiring and depressing and I know how you are feeling.  We are here for you and I now have four long days ahead to get through on my own, so will have time for you.  Carol xx