My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer

He was diagnosed 11 months ago and at that point it was stage 2 with a Gleason score of 8. His PSA was over 280 upon diagnosis.

Two weeks ago his PSA was 2.9, prior (one month ago)it was 2.5. The cancer had spread to his pelvis, femoral bones, base of skull and one lymph node. Two rounds of radiation killed most of the bone  metastasis as well as a 2x3 inch secondary growth that formed in a 3 month period leaving a large hole on his pelvis after  obliterating this tumor.

Doctors stated from the beginning that removing the prostate was not a possibility. Because of the size of this gland, he can’t sit for more than 5 minutes without severe pain.

 He has become very aloof and absorbing himself in movies on his cell phone while on the couch. He denies being depressed. His appetite is poor; often suffering from GI upset and looks frail. He does function a small portion of the time and is able to drive himself to mail packages for our business.

I feel very alone and devastated  by his decline and often flat affect. Although I have emotional support from my friends and family, I feel that I have lost my husband of 25 years and a stranger lives inside of him. I am a very compassionate person as well as a registered nurse and I cater to him often. I just wish he would open up and make the time that we have left together actually being together and not in his own little world and often snapping at me for trying to converse with him.

  • Hi there ...

    So sorry your having such a rough time right now ... I just wanted to say, everyone copes differently with our diagnosis ... some shut off and pushes everyone away, some are o.k and make their piece and just accept this journey ... others feel angry at cancer and the world around them, saying it's not fare ... and all of those things are o.k , it's just their way of dealing with it ... 

    If you can just be there ... he's not angry at you , it's the cancer that makes him like that ... if you can say to yourself it's not him ... hold his hand in whatever way he goes ... if he gets angry try to get yourself out and away until you feel o.k to go back ... explain how it hurts you when he feels like that ... give him space if he needs it ... and know there's no right or wrong way .. we just do what we can when we can ..

    Cancer wants us to give up ... it wants us to brake because it has no compassion... when we stand up to it and not let it brake us, it's like kicking cancers bum along this path wer on ... we may win or loose this journey ... but you can do this, and if you do, you can look back and be really proud of your self ... but gentle honesty about how you both feel is a good starting point .. maybe write how your feeling down ... 

    Sending you a vertual hug ... Chrissie xx 

  • Hi Lissie

    I completely understand, my very fit healthy husband was diagnosed with oesophegeal cancer last week, because he hasnt been able to eat for 7 weeks hes lost loads of weight and now on a feeding tube, everything I do now I feel guilty about he's changed so much and I just want to scream but have to hold it together and like you feel so alone so totally understand what you are going through. I try to be positive all the time and live for the day he can eat again which will make him happy even for the time we have left after 36 years together. Chin up they always take it out on the ones they love most as hard as it is you will cope as will I. xx


  • Thank you Carol! I’m very happy you and Chrissie responded. I feel comforted and not as lonely now.