My husband has nslc lung cancer

Hi everyone don't really know what to say I'm still in shock.  My husband who is 52 was diagnosed with nslc lung cancer in January he had 2 of cisplatin and venorelbine but had to change as affected his ears. Now on carboplatin had 2 of these and then had fantastic news tumour shrunk by 40% however he got a lung infection and his last 2 chemos have been cancelled as he on antibiotics. He seems so down and in lot of pain in his neck and shoulder he seems better when he on chemo. I'm finding it really hard as he so moody and seems like I can't do anything right I love my husband to bits and will stick by him but some days I just feel like running away.  Tracy x

  • I'm sorry to hear that. My husband was diagnosed with nsclc aged 52 as well. You don't say what stage the cancer is. My husband's was stage 3..T3, N2. Meaning lymph nodes were involved. The stage makes a big difference to treatment and outcomes. My husband also had cisplatin and vinorelbine. Scheduled for 6 but had 4 cycles cos of toxicities. His tumour also shrunk dramatically. What has the consultant said re purpose of treatment. Are they looking to shrink further and perhaps operate? It is massively difficult to deal with a diagnosis obviously overwhelming for you & your husband and you're the one who's ' expected' to carry on. It is an enormous strain mentally and physically, and yes obviously when someone is ill they can be very difficult to cope with , with their moods /pain and anger. I found the same always trying to keep afloat, provide the 'right' meals, read up about stuff, be on hand feeling like I was getting things wrong. I don't think my husband realised or could think much about how hard it is supporting someone through illness. Of course you want to do the most you can. But you have to find tiny windows to re charge a little. I would take 30 minutes to go to a coffee shop & sit there away from it all. It didn't make me less tired or anxious but gave me a chance just to breathe and get ready for the next big decisions and events. It is doubly difficult cos when someone is ill, they don't feel up to seeing anyone which can help to lighten the constant pressure. So I'd encourage my husband to say yes to a couple of very close friends visiting which he did now and then. It is an awful time and you are not alone in feeling like you do. I felt constantly on call and it wears you down. You are showing you care by being there. He is secure enough to let out all his feelings and you are the one he trusts to express his anger fear and pain to. Doesn't make it easier to deal with but maybe easier to understand. Can you maybe find something you like to do together like listen to music, watch comedy that might distract you both and give you some respite from it all being about illness.? I wish you both luck.
  • Hi. Sorry to hear your husband hasn't been well but it's great news about the tumour shrinking. My dad was diagnosed with stage 3 NSCLC just over a month ago and has been up and down ever since as he too has had a lung infection amongst other things, before chemo has even started. Due to start cisplatin and gemcitabine chemo this week. Me, my mum and sister are all trying to look after dad but he's getting a bit grumpy now, he's only late 50's and has always worked so it's frustrating for him being poorly. You just feel so helpless no matter what you do don't you. I'm trying to be strong for my mum dad and younger sister but I'm really struggling to hold it together. Have the doctors said anything about radiotherapy for your husband? We've been told the plan for dad is chemo to hopefully downstage, hopefully radio and then they will evaluate whether surgery is an option but the oncologist is doubtful due to the fact it's in the lymph nodes in the middle of the chest. Just praying for a positive outcome and that surgery will be possible. It is hard to stay positive though when there is so much negative information out there about lung cancer. Stay strong x