My husband dying of pancreatic cancer aged 56

Im struggling coming to terms with the fact my husband is so poorly 

Im 48 with 3 childten aged 29..20..and 4 .

How do people cope he is having chemo and due to  start  his 3rd round but hes too poorly at present...

I feel so lonely and on my own im having panic attacks at the thought of being on my own 

Please help somebody 


  • Dear Kerry

    I so sorry for what your going through, i am not sure really what to say, other than your not on your own.

    We all feel so lonely when were watching our loved ones go through this because there is nothing we can do to help, but just love them and care for them.

    Sorry, i am not much help, maybe someone else will be able to help you more, i just wanted to say i was thinking of you.


  • Hi Kerry,

    I'm so sorry about your husband. My dad has pancreatic cancer and is currently very poorly. He's started 2 rounds of chemo and both times he's ended up so unwell that he's had to be admitted to hospital. It's horrible.

    It's horrific to see someone you love going through all of this.

    Have you spoken to your GP? They can offer you some support and possibly some medication to help with the anxiety. Our GP  has been amazing with our family in so many ways. 

    Macmillan are also really good if you need someone to talk to - 0808 808 0000. They can offer lots of advice and support.

    Sending you lots of hugs - you aren't alone, people on this forum will always listen xxxx

  • Hi Kerry.

    My husband of 34 years, Dave, was recently diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. He is 58 & I too know exactly how you feel. We have been together 40 years & the thought of being without him is pure torture. We have not yet commenced chemotherapy which starts next week so I cannot comment on that but we feel that we have nothing to lose in not at least trying it. My children are a similar age to yours.. .without the little one.

    Sending love & hopefully a small comfort that someone else knows exactly how you feel xxx X


  • My husband is 57 and found out today he has pancreatic cancer. Our two sons aged 21 and 19 have both had a dreadful few years losing grandparents to cancer and I had two big ops myself. I ended up here trying to find hope..... 

    I am on the same journey as you. If I find any useful advice, I will share.... stay strong.

  • Dear Kerry

    I feel for you so much. John is 63 (bowel cancer) n been through so much. No matter what age your kids are they love their father and will be rocked by his loss. Ours are 41 and 36 & tho thankful to have had many wonderful years with their dad, but that is a blessing and a curse. The memories will be precious but also a torture. At age 4 your little one may surprise you in how well he or she will bounce back. There are charities out there to help children through bereavement though. Child bereavement uk is online and I know is on Twitter if that is any practical help. Sending you a hug and my love. Wish I could put my arms around you. I am treading a similar path from childhood sweethearts spanning almost 46 yrs to facing a life totally alone. Kids are grown with own families so they don't need me. You have your lovely little child who needs you and though that is a big responsibility and not a comfort of the type you need, it is at least a reason to live and plan for the future... thinking of you all. xxx