My grief after losing my dad to PC

Hi there, 

It's been almost two months since my beloved Dad took his last breath, and I miss him more than words can express. Every morning I wake up and seconds later I remember that he's gone and a piece of my heart breaks further. I get on with my day, and for the most part, despite constantly thinking about him, I'm OK. Until I'm not. The tears come when I'm loading laundry into the washing machine, when I take the dog out for a walk, when I cook and I see something he used to use or hold in the kitchen, when I walk past his bedroom, and quite honestly, when my mind is plagued with scenarios he won't be able to enjoy.

I didn't just love my Dad, I adored him. It was an honor to be his daughter. He was kind, smart, funny and loyal beyond measure. 

I'm getting married this year and the thought of him not being there breaks me. I'm sad for me but also for him. I can't quite believe he won't be able to enjoy milestone moments like these, but also everything he'd worked so hard for. 

I'm also very upset about the fact that he knew he was dying. I know this may sound weird but the thought of him knowing that his days were numbered kills me. I can't quite imagine what would have been going through his mind. How scared and heartbroken he must have felt. He never talked about any of it, but I can't even bring myself to think how scared and sad he must have been. 

My Dad passed away at home and I can't get his last hours out of my head. It's like they're embossed in my brain. I just hope he didn't suffer. 

I love him, I always will. I miss him, yet I can't believe he's gone. Forever.

  • Hi London88, 

    I'm so sorry for you, I've literally just been in the same position as you. It's very hard to explain to anyone who doesn't understand and that's why this place is so helpful. 

    It has utterly broken me to lose my Dad too, and like you knowing what he went through and what he knew was coming. I just can't get it out of my head. 

    It's only been just over a week for me but I know it's a very long possibly never ending journey ahead. At the moment I'm really struggling to understand how I'm just meant to get on?! I think your doing very well to be doing okish through most of the day. 

    You sound like a very wonderful daughter and you had such a meaningful relationship and that's why it hurts so deep. There will be tough times ahead especially with your wedding and everything but he would be so utterly proud of you. 

    It's really tough knowing the things they are missing out on, what breaks me at the moment is seeing my Dads unfinished classic car sat there that he never got to finish. Suddenly all the things you maybe didn't think that much about before now you just feel let down and cheated that they don't get the chance to do or see. 

    Sending support from someone who understands what your going through. This forum has helped me an awful lot lately so I hope it helps you too. It's oddly comforting to know others feels as awful as you ,as much as you would prefer them not to have to. 

    Rosie xxx

  • Thank you for such a lovely message, Rosie and I'm sorry that you're going through this *** show too. I'm sure our Dads are very proud of us, and that's what we have to hold on to. We are their legacy and I'm sure we'll both continue to make them proud every day. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and I hope the pain will eventually turn into wonderful memories that make us smile at every turn. All my love and feel free to reach out if you ever fancy getting anything off your chest. xxx