My grandmother

Hi I'm 19 years old 

my grandmother took me from fostercare 4yrs old only living with her for 2 years then she had been admitted to hospital with Brest cancer She had her right breast removed 

only 5 years later after having cemo therapy every week on Fridays to try strink the cancer after having breast removed the cancer has spread to her bones and she has been getting treatment for 5 years after April 2019 

i lived with my nan throughout most of the time when she had cancer i went with her to mostly the treatments radio therapy and kemo therapy . I watched my nana hair fall out gradually until she shaved it fully off .. this year may 2018 my mum then faced breast cancer in her leftover breast I stayed by my mum side every step of the way to the point when's we found out to when she had her breast removed and now she's looking forward to her reconstruction . The only issue she Ima facing is going to see my nan after she's took me in from care raised me to the best she could then I had moved back in with her to Find out the cancer has come back and it's spreading . Ive lived on my own since 16 and found it hard to be able to face my dying grandmother I feel like it had something to do with me casusing my nan to get stressed and get high blood pressure i may Be the reason to why the stress caused cancer i was the stress being a young child facing the care system . I just wish I can do More before the time comes and it's to late 

  • I want to say to you that although I had difficulty following what has happened to you, your Nan and Mum, it takes a lot of courage to get those words out. What I really want to say is you are in no way responsible for your Nan being ill and that is a definate so please put that thought out of your mind.

    You have had to deal with so much and then living on your own from sixteen. I really feel for you that is very tough. I think that you need support from the right people to help you through this difficult time. I would explain to those caring for your Nan that you are struggling and need help.

    it may be someone on here knows who best contact.

    i think it also depends if your nan is at home or in a hospice or nursing home who to contact. 

    I am no expert on this at all but wanted to try and help you.

    take care x