My Grandma has terminal cancer


Im 21 years old, and last night, I found out that the light of my life (my grandma) has been told she has terminal cancer.


About 6/7 weeks ago, she went to see the doctors because she had pain, something was wrong with her liver, when my dad told me, I immediately suspected cancer, after loosing my grandad to it less than 2 years ago. But I never expected this, cancer that started in her colon, has spread to her liver and lungs. A previously healthy, happy, vibrant and beautiful person I'm proud to call my grandma, has terminal cancer, I just can't believe it, I'm in utter shock and disbelief, how has this happened?


I'm not sure how long she has left, but the doctors have told her they can't cure it. I'm heartbroken, and terrified of life without her. And how must she be be told you have terminal cancer, I just can't imagine how she will ever come to terms with it. I miss her so much and she's not even gone.


I'm just in utter shock, how has this happened, when did this happen, why did this happen.

  • Hello MB05,

    This is really sad. I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother's diagnosis. It must have come as a real shock to you and I can understand why you are feeling heartbroken. I hope you can make the most of whatever time your grandmother has left with you. I am sure she appreciates your support and I know it's really hard but try and focus on the fact that she is still with you at the moment and cherish those special moments you can have together. 

    I hope that you will hear from some of our members who have been in a similar position and that they will share their story with you and tell you more about what helped them cope and keep strong when a loved one has been diagnosed with terminal cancer

    We are all here for you anytime you need to talk so don't hesitate to come here anytime you need to get things off your chest. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Lucie,

    Thank you for your reply I really appreciate it.

    I saw my grandma today, I'm not sure what I was expecting, but we were able to spend some nice time together, drinking tea and having a laugh, it was really nice. She was not able to talk about the cancer yet, she is still in shock, we all are. I feel so sad for her and the rest of my family, I wish I could hug her and make it go away, but I know I can't which is really hard. 

    It may sound strange but I never even considered the possibility that my grandma might not be around, she won't see me graduate, or get married, but I know it's not about me right now, and I need to focus all my energy on supporting her and making sure she knows how much I love her. 


    I miss her so much and she's not even gone yet. I long to hug her, laugh with her and spend time with her. It's just so quick and I'm not ready to let her go. 

    Thank you for your support!