My first chemo

Chemo was different from what I thought it would be.
I got there at 8am yesterday and was told to go and eat, I needed food in my stomach.
Got back and was taken to a room where I laid on a bed for more than two hours.
Just before 12 I got up and inquired what was happening and they came in, hooked me up, and put me on a saline drip and a bag of anti-nausea drip.
This took less than an hour then they came in and plugged in about 300-400mls of chemo.
I had no ill effects while it was going in over a two hour period then was given another 500ml of saline.

The nurse then removed the needle and whatsits (in my right hand) which was well taped down, an agonising procedure as my hand and arm had become ultra sensitive, when I stood up they felt like I had been snake bitten several time then beaten with a baseball bat.
This pain continued until I went to bed about 9pm, I had no nausea or other ill effects and ate a couple of sandwiches when I got home.
I'm allowed no hot or icy cold food or drinks for 10-15 days.

My arm and hand is pain free this morning but still very sensitive, I'm typing OK.

I have an enormous bag of pills to take before my next chemo, three weeks away.

  • Hi

    ive been told I need chemo and feeing quite sad about it as I will lose my hair. I know I need it and it’s nice to hear someone else story anout what it’s like.

  • Hi 

    just like LRush above I’m waiting to have chemo too- I had surgery a week ago today and I too  dreading chemo so it’s so good to hear from you that it wasn’t that bad - thank you and I wish you strength and good luck for the future x

  • I’ve had my first chemo today. I felt a bit like grandma from Roald Dahl’s book George’s Marvellous medicine. I was expecting steam to start coming out of my ears or something but nothing happened yet - well apart from my wee turning red. Sitting here with the cold cap on for another hour before I can go home with my huge party bag of drugs. Will report back. Good luck all!

  • Hi,

    Many people find the first chemo experience is a bit of an anti-climax - so glad it was for you too!  I had the red wee syndrome too as I was on epirubicine. 



  • Hi Julian,

    The waiting around can be a pain - I hope you took something to read or listen to :-)

    Glad your first chemo went OK - removing the plasters from around the canula was described to me as the nurses revenge as apparently it affects hairy males more than anyone else! 

    Are you on EOX? The three week cycle, bag of pills and cold sensitivity sounds familiar.

    Good luck


  • I’d worked myself up into such a state about it so yes pretty much an anticlimax. Fingers crossed it stays that way!

  • I don't think I'm on EOX, I have bowel cancer and think this is throat.

  • The O bit is Oxaliplatin - which is the one which gives cold sensitivity with cold drinks and food (and air in Winter).

  • Hello 

    I have been diagnosed with bowel cancer in July this year and received my last (4th) drip of Oxaliplatin. 2 hours drip once every 3 weeks then I do have chemo tablets for next 2 weeks. Every time after the drip I had really painful hand - pain was the worst for next 2-3 days after the drip. Also vomiting feeling was there for first week but I'm trying to not to take anti-sickness tablets as they do send me to bed afer an hour for like 7 hours sleep lol.

    Your hands will feel painful for about 2 weeks while you will be out on cold or windy days so I do suggest to wear gloves and always treat yourself for hot drink while outside.

    I found each drip harder to take but wish yours will be much easier :) 

    I will keep my fingers crossed for you and wish you all the best :) 


  • My hand pain has cleared up fairly quickly, it's just a bit tight and sensitive this morning.

    I also seem to have eysight changes, it's like my reading glasses subbscription has differed. I really don't want to go back to the optician if it's only temporary but I do read a lot.

    Yes @davek, definitely on something that makes me ultrasensitive to cold.