My Dad’s prostate cancer



My dad has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 9.  He had a TURP procedure done 6 years ago.  I find it hard to believe that in 6 years it has spread so quickly....has anyone else had a similar experience?  

  • Hi Paulajean. Welcome to the forum.


    I should start out by saying that I'm not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications; however, I had surgery for early stage prostate cancer nearly 10 years ago, and I've been involved with our local prostate cancer support group for 9 years, so I've picked up some information along the way. 


    Was your dad having regular PSA tests after his TURP?  Do you know the figures?  How old is your dad.


    TURP isn't a treatment for prostate cancer, so when he had that procedure it would most likely be for benign prostate hypertrophy - essentially a swollen prostate. The removed cells would have been tested for cancer and if any had been found he would have had treatment at that time.


    It's difficult to know for certain just when his cancer started, but I would guess it's probably no more than 2 years ago.  Many prostate cancers grow very slowly ("pussycat" cancers) but sadly some seem to come out of nowhere and grow more aggressively ("tiger" cancers).  Regular PSA tests can often detect dangerous changes before they have time to blow up, but alas not every prostate cancer causes an increased PSA.  


    There are a number of members here who have had similar diagnoses to your dad, and I'm sure they'll be joining in soon with their experiences.  Stage 4 prostate cancer isn't curable but there are a number of effective treatments for it, so the situation isn't hopeless. 




  • Thank you for your reply. 

    He didn't have any psa tests after his TURP.  


    He went to his GP 2 months ago because of frequent urination during the night.  They did a PSA test and his level was 139.  He was then sent for an MRI test, prostate biopsy and a bone scan.  Cancer was found to have spread to his lymph nodes, pelvis, spine and aorta.  

    He is having regular hormone injections and pills.  No radiation therapy at this stage until he starts to feel any pain.


    I am just shocked at how quickly it has spread 



  • A pity no one suggested regular PSA testing after the initial TURP, but it doesn't appear to be part of the standard follow up protocol.  Unfortunately, cancer can spread very quickly, and in your dad's case we really don't know when it started.  


    There are two prostate cancer charities which you and your dad might find useful.  They are both fine organisations: Prostate Cancer UK and Tackle Prostate Cancer. You might also find a local support group on the Tackle website. 

  • Thank you for your very supportive response.  I have been in touch with Macmillan who were very helpful.  My dad is not a very talkative fellow and he wouldn't willing ask for emotional support... but I will do it for him.  

    I will be popping in to various forums to gather more information and experience's.  It helps to know we are not alone.  

    thanks again



  • Hi paulajean. 

    I was diagnosed Feb 2016 prostate gone to lymph nodes, spine, ribs pelvis and a lung. 

    On permanent hormone therapy injections and had chemo 6 sessions just after i went on hormones now on hormone tablets as well.

    Was working metal fabrication and welding, till had to retire to look after my disabled wife she needs 24 /7 care she has Alzheimers and parkinsons I'm her official carer.



  • Hi Billy and thank you for your reply.  

    Yours is a similar situation to my dads.  He was a plasterer then had to become my mums carer as she has disabilities.  He's 73 now and my mum is 63. 

    My husband and I are relocating back to our home town to buy a house with a granny annex to look after them both.  

    It gives me great comfort that you were diagnosed 4 years ago but are still plodding on.  I hope my dad plods on as well as you and your wife do.


    Best wishes, my thoughts are with you






  • Hi Paula. 

    I'm now 69 my wife is 83 i had to chase after her for two years before she'd marry me and had to promise that I'd look after her when we got old we've been together nearly 50 years and hope to be together for a long time to come.

    My psa was 1581 stage 4 gleason 8.  T3B, N1, M1B 

    Hope things are going well with you and your family. 



  • Hi Billy


    Wow 50 years is very impressive.  My mum and dad are coming up to their 44 year anniversary.  I really hope they see their 50th.  
    Things are a bit tough to cope with at the moment as it's still such a shock but I hope it will get better as soon as I can be near to them both.

    Your story has given me a bit of hope so thanks for that x