My dads been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

A week ago my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer it’s spread to his bones, legs, chest and lymph nodes. We are awaiting to see if he will be offered chemo but have been told not to get our hopes up as it’s a very aggressive cancer. I literally feel like my worlds falling apart he’s the only person I have. I go from uncontrollable grief to uncontrollable anger. He went to the doctors for months complaining he couldn’t swallow he lost 6 stone in 11 weeks. They gave him food milk shakes and sent him away fast forward 1 week from last seeing the doctor and I found him nearly conscious and severely dehydrated as he couldn’t swallow even water. The ambulance driver accused him of wasting their time and wanted to know what he wanted them to do!!! He already had a flag on his records to say his esophagus has changes and was at risk, despite this they still sent him away. I can’t help but think it’s their fault all his symptoms pointed to cancer but they did nothing. I am taking legal action against them but this offers little to no comfort. I can’t cope I’ve have no one to talk to all my partner says is everyone dies eventually, keep strong!! Well in all honesty I don’t want to keep strong I want to die with him. I can’t watch him suffer and be in so much pain. I feel like I’m dying inside I can’t eat, sleep or even think clearly. All I can think of over and over is if that doctor had pulled his finger out they could have saved my dad. I just don’t think I can get over this, I can’t just carry on it’s a constant pain like no other I’ve ever felt before. 

  • I am sorry that your Dad's final days are like this.  I note you are  taking action but these actions take time to happen and  you should perhaps try not to let it take over how you cope with your relationship with your very sick dad.  Easy for me to say this but I think you would regret that your Dad's possibly final weeks were not spent in loving him and easing his passage.  I am sure you want to help him and would regret spending his final weeks full of anger.  It is so difficult to say anything that would help you put your own feelings on hold and I do feel for you.  Sorry if none of this helps how you are feeling and maybe you feel that I just don't get it but it just struck me that you should focus on helping your Dad now.  I hope you find some peace.  I am wondering whether there is some organisation that can help by talking to you in these circumstances; I will have a look through this website to see if this is so. 

  • Hello Tracey28 and welcome to our forum.

    I'm so very sorry to hear about your dad, what an incredibly difficult time this must be for you both.

    Like Annieliz said in her reply to you, it is difficult to find words that could help to ease your pain and anger at the moment but I wanted to contact nevertheless and let you know you there is always someone here to listen if you need us, even if all you need is to vent.

    Moreover, if you feel like speaking with someone on the phone about your feelings, you can always call the Samaritans, they are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on this number: 116 123.

    Take care, Tracey28 and just remember we are here for you.

    Warm wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hi again Tracey.  I am pleased to see that Renata has given you some more coherent advice than my own.  My own searches made me feel that Macmillan would also give you some help - you could take a look at their website to see what they do or ring them on Freefone 0808 808 0000.   If nothing else you can vent your feelings on this website but do seriously consider talking with an organisation who have a great deal of experience.  My best wishes.