My dad is dying

I am only 14, with 18 year old and 13 year old sisters. Today we found out my dad has secondary liver cancer and servre stomach cancer. He most likely will not surive for christmas, but we do not know how long he has left. My mum does not have a job, my big sister is working towards university. I am terrified for the changes and don't know how to handle this information to be honest. Only just at the end of January my dads dad passed away from Lung cancer, I never got on with my grandpa so I didnt see him but my little sister did, every weekend. She is terrified to live through it again, and I am just scared and so distraught. Any advice on how to handle this? This is the first year we have lost family members. 

  • Hello katyw.  Welcome to this forum.  How awful about your dad.  It is frightening when as well as facing losing your dad you are also worried about what it may mean for you all.   After the loss of  your grandad your family must feel that your world is being torn apart.  I am sure you will do everything possible to help your mum and give love and care to your dad but this is a hard burden for people of your age to handle.  I am attaching a link to an organisation called riprap which contains information for and by young people who have a parent with cancer.  I hope you might find it useful and you are able to comtalk to others in the same boat as yourself.

    Make sure that the people who are important in your life (friends, school teacher for instance) know what you are going through so they can understand why you are sometimes finding it difficult to cope. I know you are worried about what the future holds but really for the time being I should just go with what is happening now and keep close to your family.  The practical things will get sorted but there is a limit to what you can do at this time.  And I hope you will return here if we can help you at all.  Best wishes.  Annie