My Dad has incurable cancer - anxiety about the future

Hi there,

I'm pretty new to this and not a usual forum / blogger type, but I've just learnt my dad has incurable bone cancer. I'm absolutely devestated and I'm really lost as what to do next.

My mum is heartbroken at the news, her and my dad don't live in the same city as me (I moved to London a few years ago with work as did my brother) but we have a very close and loving family. My dad especially is always described as the most cheerful man in the room.

This all feels surreal and like a nightmare, and I've read the advice about 'one day at a time' but I'm struggling to block out all the anxiety and gut wrenching I'm feeling about how our future is going to be cut short.

Im especially worried for my mum. Her and dad are so much of eachother's lives - they do everything together and they were just about to embark on their retirement. I'm trying to stay strong for her but inside I feel like my world has just caved in and I'm scared for what the future now holds.

i don't really know what I'm looking for as a response, I just felt I needed to write down how I was feeling - but I'm sure other people will have had similar experiences and may now be in a better place.


  • Hi josh incurable isn't the same as terminal, it can be treated just can't be cured,. One example is me, i was diagnosed Feb 2016, prostate cancer that's gone to lymph nodes, spine, ribs, pelvis and a lung stage 4 gleason 8 as i said I've had treatment and i have to live with my uninvited guest every now and again I'll have more treatment, I've been living a normal life including work had to retire last Xmas at 67 years old to look after my disabled wife she needs 24/7care, hope this helps... Billy 

  • Hi Josh, Billy is right, incurable is treatable but the cancer will never be cured.  My husband has stage 4 lung cancer and we're coming up to our third year since diagnosis.  Your Mum and Dad will come to terms with this, it takes time and many of us were at retirement age when the bombshell hit us.  But you adapt, take each day as it comes and don't look too far ahead, live in the moment.  Obviously our daughters were very upset but they have seen how far we have come and have been supportive and loving, however we don't want to spoil their lives so we let them ring us, unless we feel they need to know something we keep our cheery front, being miserable gets none of us anywhere.  So take a deep breath, do what you can but making yourself ill over this will help any of you.  Billy and I are on this forum each day as we both have threads to follow, so post again.if you need more help.  Good luck Josh, Carol x

  • Thank you both so much for replying, your words have really helped me and it's really encouraging to hear your situations.

    we get a fuller diagnosis in the next few days so I hope this will come back with a more positive outlook, but I'm preparing myself for the worst (as is probably natural)