My cancer's genetic - BRCA2

Hi All,

So, finally got the vindication that my cancer is in fact genetic.  I say vindication as I always knew my mum's breast cancer was due to genetics and that I would get breast cancer quite young (doctors were insistent it wasn't and that my sisters and I were at no increased risk).  Just FYI, I'm not one of those pessimistic people that says that about so many things they end up being right 10% of the time.  Only 4 medical things I've known since I was a child would happen to me later in life and I've been right about all 4.  So I do feel somewhat vindicated on this one, although it leaves me wishing the medical profession had listened to me then I wouldn't be here with stage 3 breast cancer!

My twin and I, and presumably my mum (theoretically it could be on my dad's side but more likely mum's) have a mutation of the BRCA2 gene.  My older sister was referred for testing before my result came through so hers is already underway, but on the basis of my result they have set up a screening programme for her.  My mum is going to ask for screening so we know which side of the family to inform.  In saying that I've already told my first cousin on mum's side as she is an endocrinologist and we have talked regularly throughout my cancer treatment.  Her dad (mum's brother) is going to get tested rather than tell the other two daughters just yet (the youngest one is still getting over having had lymphoma very recently).  Hopefully he'll be clear but that seems unlikely.  My twin obviously doesn't need to get tested, so from my result she is back in denial mode over the whole cancer thing.  Who knows if she's going to do anything, I'm desperate for her to at least be getting screened but I can't push her :(

I know genetic cancers are actually quite rare, but is anyone else in 'the club' and having to deal with telling family, and the threat to family, on top of dealing with their own cancer?

  • Hi twintoo

    Yes I have the BRCA1 mutation- my sister had ovarian cancer which has now spread to her brain - she had the genetic test and then told us that we have a 50:50 chance of having it too. I had the test earlier this year and was told I too was positive - this was a shock as I consider myself to be very healthy - following the test o then had a mammogram where they found a tumour in my left breast/ that was just a few months ago and last week I had a mastectomy and lymph node clearance!!! It all seems like it’s happened to someone else at the moment! Yes telling the rest of family was hard as I never saw bc coming my way - thank goodness my sister gave me the heads up and I got tested otherwise I’d be walking around with cancer even now and have no idea - definitely try to encourage them to get tested I say x good luck with your journey- I hope everything works out well for you x