My breast Clinic Appointment

Hi, I have been in the back ground for the last two weeks and reading all your stories which has really helped. 

What amazing and brave people you are to share your stories and offer your support and advice, suddenly I dont feel as lonely. 

 I was hoping someone could tell me about their breat clinic appointment as I have some questions. 

A bit of background I found a lump 2 months ago, finally went to the GP and was expecting to be told it was nothing. But she said that due to my age (35) she would refer me to the hospital on the 2 week pathway, handed me leaflet and off I went. 

I had my appointment last week and I saw a consultant and she circled the lump and another one she found in the smae breast and sent me over to ultrasound. 

The lump the consultant found was showing as a cyst on ultrasound, the one I was concerned about was scanned for literally 5 seconds and she then said as we do not have anything to compare it to,  we will biospy but that she thiks its fibroadenoma, which I had never heard of before. I then asked her how big was it and she said she hasnt measured yet so gives you an idea how long I was scanned for and then just did biospy and I had 5 samples taken in total, she then scanned under my arm and said thats clear. 

I was told results would be ready be wednesday ( which is today ) I wasnt advised how I would receive the reults and I didnt think to ask at the time. 

 I called on monday and a nurse said that the reason I wasnt given an appoitment to return for the results was that they wasnt concerned and that they would call my on wednesay after its been reviewed at the multi disiplinary meeting. 

Sorry Im going on a bit now ...I will get to the point. 

Im not medically trained but can they tell by looking at the lump for such a small amount of time if its cancer or fibroadenoma. 

Is there certain markers on ultra sound that would suggest benign tumor - From what I have read the only way to determine if its benign is from Biospy.

Has anyone been diasgnosed with Fibroadenoma at ultra sound and then something else after biospy.   

Thank you for reading and listening to me going on and 


  • Hi there! 

    If you've not already, give the clinic a ring about your results. As far as I understand it clinics generally only give 'good' news over the phone, so the fact that you're expecting to be given your results by phone is positive.

    I'm not a medical professional (just in same boat as you going through biopsies etc) but I think there are certain characteristics that are common with fibroadenoma that would be seen on an ultrasound. I don't think they would have told you that's what it was likely to be unless they were fairly sure. But you are right that the only way to conclusively find out is by biopsy. And I suppose sometimes they will get it wrong.

    Chase up those results to put your mind at rest and let us know how you get on.


  • Hi,

    yes, sadly I was told mine was a fibroadenoma from my mammograms and ultrasound, the core biopsy came up with cancer. I do wish the consultants remained " on the fence" until my results were in....

    I have everything crossed for you love, let us know how you get on? X