My beautiful mother who died off severe cancer

I lost my mum to liver and lung cancer before Christmas and it spread to her bones i miss her everyday and I cant cope with it I took tablets to be with I cant sleep at night I dont think I will ever recover from it 

  • I'm sorry we weren't around last night when you were reaching out for support. You mentioned that you have taken some tablets and we are obviously concerned for your wellbeing. If you are able to let us know that you've seen this post it would put everyone's mind at rest.

    If you ever find yourself in this situation and need to talk to someone, Please call The Samaritans. They are always available 24 hours a day. You can call them free on 116 123.

    I'm so sorry for the devastating loss of your mum. but there are people who can help. I'd encourage you to reach out to an organisation called Cruse who are able to offer bereavement support and advice to help you get through this very difficult period of adjustment without your mum.

    We hope to hear back from you soon and we will do what we can to help you find the help and support you need

    Kind regards Moderator Sarah

  • I’m so sorry for loss of your mum I lost my husband to lung cancer November 2020 and my life changed so much but day by day life will get a bit easier a still cry every day and doubt I will ever be okay but life has to go on  always think of good memories your mum will always be in your heart take care big hugs x x x annie