My BC journey so far...

I haven't posted for a while, in all honestly neutral:I've been consumed by the cancer bubble! 

I wa diagnosed on 10th August this year with a Grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma that had spread into my Linton nodes. 

On 9th September, I had a 7 hour surgery. They removed a quarter of my breast including the skin that the tumour had attached itself to. Did a chest cavity shave to reconstruct my breast and a complete lymph node removal. Recovery was up and down, I had cording, a seroma and infection . My pathology report came back that the top of bottom skin and tissue margins weren't clear. 

So on 7th October I had another surgery, they opened up existing incisions and took the extra skin and tissue from the top of bottom margins. Pain had been more of a challenge this time and I developed another seroma. The fluid found it's way out through one of the incisions. More antibiotics. My pathology report this week has shown that my tissue margins are now clear. However, they said that 99% of BC affect the tissue mine has spread into my skin on my breast beyond the original tumour boundary. So now I'm booked in for my 3rd operation on 4th November to removed extra skin in a bid to clear the lateral margins. 

I am starting chemo at the end of November but fear if margins aren't clear again it'll push it back even more! To me 3 operations in 7 weeks is a lot and it's been hard! I know my cancer is aggressive and they said they can't leave any behind but I feel exhausted mentally and physically with it all. 

Has anyone else experienced trouble with the surgeons clearing margins? 

Linda x