My aunt, my Nan and now my mum

ive decided to share what has been going on in my life over the last few years mainly to help me get out what I want to say. In an un selfish way but to ease the pressure in my head of holding everything in. 


2 years ago almost I experienced my great aunt die from cancer, a disease I did not understand fully at this time but nether the less to watch the physical change in someone so quick was heartbreaking. My aunt passed peacefully in her own bed how she wanted which is a comfort to me. 

During this time my Nan who was also my best friend in life was battling lung cancer. This lady was amazing and there are no words to describe the battle,she faced with this horrible disease. She was only given a year to live but beat the odds andstayed with us for almost another year. Again I watched the physical changes in her and this time it was a lot more drawn out and hard to see. She went through some real tough times. Times when we were called to say goodbye as we thought she would not make it through the night for her to defy the odds once again and carry on. 

I lost my Nan in the end to this disease in January last year. There is no way to describe the loss and emptiness in my heart without her. I still to this day look at her number in my phone and want to call her and just have a chat, get some advice on what to do, speak and see my best friend. 


Now this his is where my life gets really messed up, 2 months before my Nan passed my 47 year old mum was booked to have a hysterectomy after a life time of problems in that area. She had the operation and was told all went well. Then she is called back to the hospital for what she believes to be a routine follow up after her surgery. She goes alone as was not advised that anything else could be going on here. 

She is in the room with the consultant who then also calls for a nurse. Then she is hit with the news YOU HAVE CANCER!!!

and not any old cancer no, a rare sarcoma cancer. Now to this day although it can not be proved we believe that if she did not have the original operation this would not have happened. It has happened though. 

I am then a 26 year old guy, I have lost my aunt and loosing my Nan and I am then told my mum has cancer. I can't believe what I am hearing. To the point I actually question if someone is having some kind of sick joke with me. 

Now I really begin to learn what this cancer life is like for someone. Referred to a well known hospital in London who deals with sarcoma cancers. She has scan after scan and offered treatment to prolong life, but told in no uncertain terms you won't make it to Christmas. 

Mum has had radiotherapy and chemo which to be fair nearly did kill dose of this and she was in hospital for three weeks, hasn't touched a thing not shrunk anything just made her ill and loose all her hair. (I am not trying to scare anyone who is thinking of having this form of treatment as it is different for everyone and works differently for everyone) I am just very emotionally charged at the moment by our own personal circumstances and can only write how I feel about what has happened to us. 


So so more scans and it has spread to her liver...bones....lungs...pelvic area I mean the list goes on and again told we have a few months. 

This is probably the good is now march the 7th and mum is stil with us. I actually write this now laying on her sofa whilst she is sleeping as it is my day to care for her. She is very poorly, and is getting weaker by the day and every day she is with us is a blessing but don't always believe what the docs say because she has a young heart and a young mind and is fighting this all the way. Mum will die from this, and it is going to happen soon. I don't know if I am prepared for this to happen. I mean I think I am. I have had so long to think about it I be

  • I believe I should be ready. But guess what I am not!! Why should I have to face this again, loose the closest person in my life to me at 27 years of age. It sounds selfish I know I am not the only one who is facing these circumstances but it is just so unfair. I have two younger sisters who are my rocks. They think I am looking out for them but the truth is they are looking out for me. Without them I don't know how I would get through this every day.

    looking at the changes in mum now is so hard, she is a skeleton, all the weight has can physically see tumours protruding from different areas of her body.  

    She is on a driver but is in so much pain as they just can't control it and she won't let them increase the dose to just make her sleep as she wants to fight. 

    I hate seein her in this pain though, only a few months ago she could at least get down the road for a coffee now she can't walk more than two steps, can't move in her bed without being in so much pain. I just don't understand why we can't fix this, have a cure for this by now. At the moment I am strong I have to be for my mum and my sisters but when I really think about it, I just can't imagine life without her, she is my rock.

    we are wat

  • We are watching her die slowly and it is so unfair. She has bruises starting to appear at the bottom of her spine, she is getting more and more sleepy and I am not ready to loose my mum. I know my mum is not ready to die. She wants to live and go back to her life before this all started. She hasn't even had a chance to grieve for my Nan (her mum) properly because she has had to try and be strong for us her kids and face this herself now. It is all just so unfair. The not knowing is hard, I have read up signs of dying on the internet and there are so many. 


    Mum did  go to the hospice for six weeks but said she wants to die at home in her own bed. So this is where we are now. I just want the pain to go away for her. Wish she could have a good nights sleep 

    , even a smile about something but this disease has got the better of her body now and the better of my family once again. 


    If if anyone wants to talk, is going through similar circumstances it would be great to chat perhaps get things of our chests because I know I can't keep holding my emotions and thoughts to myself and I can't express them to my family as I need to stay strong for them...

  • Hi Mitchy88, just read your posts I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this, it is beyond devastating. I lost my mum 3 weeks ago to Metastatic Breast Cancer, she was only 56. 1 week before diagnosis she was doing Step and Aerobics classes, everyone who knew her always complimented on how incredible she looked for 56 and now she's gone and I cannot handle it, my life is over and I can't think about the future or even tomorrow for that matter. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone, I hope your mum becomes more comfortable soon, life is so cruel, like you I keep saying why my mum,why!! It's so unfair but very sadly and shockingly happening everywhere now as we speak. Please message me if you ever need to chat, I'm pretty much on here all day because I can't bring myself to physically do anything as just burst in to tears at everything. Its good you have a busy job and dogs to look after, I work from home no face to face Interaction, I'm really thinking about getting a dog as I need a friend right now. I'm 26 worshipped the ground my mum walked on, never needed any close friends as my mum was and is my everything. Thinking of you x

  • Hi alera90,


    thank you you for your kind words they mean so much. I am so sorry or hear about your mum and hope you can keep finding the strength to get through each day. 

    My busy lifestyle becomes more of a hinderance than anything at the moment as I just can't physically split my time enough to be where I need to be and makes it very difficult. I thought about leaving my job and staying with mum for the last few weeks but on top of that I then have financial costs after mum has passed to think about being her next of kin and oldest child. No one should have to face these circumstances in life I wish I could make it all go away for her x

  • Hi Mitchy

    i just read your posts, I just wondered how things are going, is your mum still fighting, I completely understand every word and comment and expression you express and say, I lost my dad 2 months ago and went through exactly everything you described about watching your mum it's horrendous, unfair and I was still am very angry and feel cheated.


    thinking of you



  • Hi Dawn,

    Thanks for your message, i am actually with mum at the moment. she has become quite a bit more poorly over the last couple of weeks. Her breathing has changed dramatically, taking big loud breaths and then sometimes seems to not take a breath for a few seconds. I fear we are in the final stages of this now which is very scary. She is still chatting with us when she wakes but falls back to sleep very quickly. We havent been able to give her any food for the last couple of days now which concerns me but she is unable to swallow anything and only just managing to drink water. It is all just very terrible.



  • Hi Mitchy,

    I hope you're doing as ok as you can be given the situation I am truly thinking of you as I have been in your situation myself, like you said it's very terrible and you just feel helpless in that you cannot make your mum magically better. Is your mum at home or in hospital? Xx