Mums last weeks?



I’m new here but really need some advice. My lovely mum was in remission from breast cancer for 2 years but now it has returned she was dignoised in March having mets in her spine, liver and also a plural effusion which she had to have drained numerous times. She was too poorly for any treatment so just receiving palliative care. She also had a drain fitted to drain her lung as was refilling very quickly although this has now stopped. So here we are ten weeks later and she’s now bedbound, can’t sit up without help, isn’t eating just sips of soup or porridge really, still drinking water. She’s on oxygen and very breathless all the time, lost a lot of weight. She has a lot of pain relief so very confused at times and sleepy on and off now. My question is, is this the last few weeks of life? It’s so very hard watching my poor Mum suffer and live in this way and I feel so guilty for her. Thank you x

  • Hi Claire ... so so sorry your mum's going through this ... I've got breast cancer too ... and life is really unfare, watching those we love, knowing they're not gonna get better ...

    But you sound amazing ... no one can tell you how long , as everyone is different ... but just holding her hand and walking this last journey with your mum, will mean more then you'll ever know ... so sending you and your mum a big hug Chrissie x

  • Hiya Clairbear24.  Just wanted to add my good wishes to those of Chrissie and say how sorry I am that your mum's cancer has returned.  While, as Chrissie said, it is not possible to pin down how long your mum will live it does appear that her body is starting to slow down.  I am attaching some information from this website about what happens towards the end of life as it may help you to know what is going on.    Annie

  • Hi Clairebear,

    Please don't feel guilty, none of this has been caused by you. We just all get the straw that is drawn for us and who knows what it will be.  It's so sad that her last days are being drawn out like this and I hope for all your sakes (and hers) that she is soon freed from her pain and confusion.

    It isn't long since I was diagnosed and already I've learned that so often this illness is worse for our loved ones than for us.  I don't know if you can recall any stories your mum has told you over the years, particularly ones that capture her personality perfectly or are particularly funny?  If so it might be an idea to re-tell them to her when you're spending time at her side.  If she can hear you it could help her let go, and it might help you to start consciously remembering her as the person she actually is rather than how the cancer is making her appear just now.

    Whatever you do don't give any time to negative emotions like guilt, your time is very precious.

    Sending you and your mum lots of e-hugs!
