Mums cancers back for a fourth time?


About 5 years ago my mum was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at age 50, I’m not sure what stage the cancer was at, I was 14 and I think she didn’t want to scare me. She had an operation and was then given chemotherapy after. However, this unfortunetly didn’t keep the cancer away, common after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The cancer has come and gone another 3 times since. Around 3 months ago she was diagnosed again, this being the fourth time, I believe this time it was in her groin area. Again, although I’m 19 now going on 20, I still feel she hasn’t told me the full extent about what’s happening. Since finding out I have read hours and hours about reacurring cancer, and how it can be controlled, but still I have no closure on the situation, I’m scared that soon I’m going to find out that the treatments have stopped working. I’m not sure what to do, I don’t want her to know that I am worrying, when I ask her about it she normally says that’s everything going as well as it could be, but I don’t understand what that means. Is there anyway of the cancer ever going away, or can it just be controlled? Can it stay away for a long period of time or will it just keep coming back, till the point of eventually being uncontrollable?

  • Hi Bobby

    im so sorry that your Mum has recently been told of a reoccurrence, it is a scary time for you and you must have had a very difficult time over the past 5 years. 

    I dont know much about reoccurrence, I’m currently having treatment for stomach cancer, but I am a mum of a 16 and 9 year old and I can see how they worry. I have been upfront with my eldest child, but as I’m going through treatment I don’t know the answers to her questions, I don’t know how effective the chemo is at the moment and I’m unsure what the future is although I remain hopeful and as positive as I can, it could be your mum is experiencing the same and is not withholding anything. As a mum we do want to protect our kids and put on a brave face, but also just being with our kids brings us so much happiness we are just genuinely happy in that moment and it’s not an act put on to hide our true feelings. 

    You could seek counselling through Macmillan if you want to talk to someone rather than your mum, but don’t feel that you would burden your Mum by talking to her about your fears, that is what we are here for and believe it or not we enjoy being able to sooth your worried just as we did when you were small. My eldest holds it all together but I can see when she’s struggling and sometimes just a hug and a cry is all that she needs to release her emotions. 

    Again im sorry you find yourself here, hugs to you and your mum. 

    Louise x