Mums biopsy

Hi everyone. My mum is suffering from extreme headaches, earache and deafness in 1 ear, she tried antibiotics and they did not work so she was reffered to ENT. They put the camera up her nose and saw something. The lovely ENT Dr scheduled her an MRI with contrast. Anyway she had her appointment on Wednesday just gone. I went with her. I can't stop crying. MRI confirmed a 3CM lesion at like the back of her nose. He had to do a biopsy and it was unbelievably traumatic for her. He was doing it for 40 mins. She had a panic attack. I'm distraught. I wish it had been me instead of her. I kept strong for her but I'm breaking down. He is testing for benign or malignant. I really need some support right now. Has anyone any similar experiences? 

  • Hello Unicorndreams, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your mum and that the MRI confirmed a 3cm lesion at the back of her nose. It sounds like this biopsy was really painful for her and traumatic. The wait for results is bound to be a very difficult time both for you and your mum and it's completely understandable that you feel you are breaking down sometimes. You've come to the right place though to hear from the experiences of others who have faced a similar situation. 

    I thought I would also share these helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for important news. All you can do at the moment is wait and it's easy to anticipate the worst but it may not necessarily be malignant and I am keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. 

    Best wishes to you and your mum, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator