Mum with womb cancer

We found out a few months ago that my mum has womb cancer. She is 60 years old. It was grade 3. She has since had a hysterectomy, but when the results came back they found it had spread to the outside of her bowels.  I dont really want to ask her much about it as I dont want to upset her. She is now having chemo for 5 hours every 3 weeks for 6 sessions followed by radiotherapy every day for 5 weeks an hour at a time. To me this sounds really bad as its such a massive amount of therapy. 

I havent spoken to many people about it as everytime I think about it I just get too upset. I have 3 small children and a business to look after and all I want to to is sleep and for it to all go away. Its making me ill just thinking about it and I am snappy and anxious all the time. I just want to wake up and for it all to go away. I cant bear the thought of her not being here anymore. 

Has anyone ever been in a similiar situation? She hasnt been told its terminal or atleast she hasnt told us if she has but im too scared to ask anymore that she has let us know :(

  • Hello Sadaboutitall

    I'm sorry to hear about your Mum's diagnosis. Understandably it's an upsetting time for you all. 

    The kind of treatment that the describe (surgery, chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy) is one that many of our members here will have been through albeit for different types of cancer. 

    We've lots of information on our website about womb cancer including some information about treatment that might be of interest. 

    Everyone copes with the news that a loved one has cancer in different ways. I'm sure that you don't want to upset Mum but I wonder from your post if having a chat with her might help you both. If you knew a little more then it may help you to understand what is going on for her. If you think it might help to talk to one of our nurses before chatting to Mum then you're welcome to call them. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi, there... I am not sure if I can be of any help to you to make you feel even a little bit better by responding to your message... But one thing for sure we are feeling the same... Just today I was informed by my mother that she was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer... She seemed to be positive yet here I am all worried...Been crying the whole day until I get a splitting headache, reading up more about it until I found this site... I myself is undergoing follow up cervical screening test due to borderline abnormal cells again.  This personal health issue of mine is already eating me as I have 2 young children and then my mother’s diagnosis being stage 3... and she is 5000miles away from me and other siblings...Grateful that I have my mother’s oldest sister and her daughter who are very supportive to accompany her to doctor’s appointments. My Aunt and cousin themselves is dealing with a son/brother who was diagnosed with leukaemia few months back and his chemotherapy was stopped recently as he was admitted in an ICU due to pneumonia...May God help us all...