Mum terminal with kidney csncer

Feeling pretty helpless. Mum 72 week and a half ago told terminally ill with kidney cancer (also in bladder and in bowel). Her physical health is being monitored as she's still in hospital, but no one seems to be meeting her emotional needs.  Does the palliative care team not have a duty of care.  Feeling that because of her age she is just being left onto "scrap heap"

  • Hi there.

    I would definitely ask questions if you feel things need to happen for your mum. I make no apologies for constantly asking questions and finding out what's going on and what the next step is. My mum is 78 and has stage IV bladder cancer but is currently well and at home. But last year we spent weeks and weeks in hospital having treatments and surgery and we found that if my sister and I got friendly with the nursing & practitioner team then they would do nice things like phone us with an update after doctors rounds etc. We also spotted when my mum had a serious infection (she started hallucinating and her temperature had spiked) and unfortunately the nursing team had two people off sick that day so may not have noticed until it was too late. I like to think of it as being advocates for our loved ones & a practical way we can help. (Just want to add I have nothing but praise for her nursing team, they just have too many patients to look after sometimes).

    I hope your mum is able to come out of hospital soon. It's a tough journey that's for sure and at the end of the day we just want the best for our mums xxx


  • Know how you feel. We are feeling completely lost and bewildered because the specialists don't seem to talk to one another. What is supposed to happen with palliative care?