Mum recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Hey all, 


So my mum was diagnosed stage 1 breast cancer and had the surgery 4/5 weeks ago.

She's just been told she'll not only have radiotherapy and the 5-10 year tablet, but also chemo.

Reason being, her results showed up in the grey area, between 'healthy' and at 'risk' of such reoccuring in the future. 

So the doctors explained she'll be having chemo starting next Tuesday. 

Anyone, as a survivor, current patient of chemo or a family/friend of someone who's experienced chemo, what is it like - particularly mentally? 

Want to support her in all ways I can!! 

And, would going to a cancer community room help to chat with other patients - or would it not be ideal considering she's very lucky to have caught it earlier on despite having to now go through chemo? 


Much appreciated! 

  • Hi RoseyKay, Awful news about your Mum. I'm not a medic, but know that chemo is often used in all stages of breast cancer. If you are unsure if it is the right thing for your Mum, you and your Mum can always ask the doctors what her prognosis is with and without chemo. If the % difference is significant, and I expect it will be if the doctors recommend it, then you will then feel more comfortable about it. Harry

  • Hi Harry, Its very kind of you to respond to my post. She called earlier this morning for a check up and the reception (i think) asked her what day is best for the first day of treatment. However, she was waiting on the nurse to tell her this Thursday! So the results came through prior, which came as a shock for her. Her cancer is 38%, and she said around 18% and below is classed as safe (no need for chemo). Now, is this the percentage of it perhaps coming back, or such disease spreading to other organs - if you have any idea? Thankyou :)

  • Just wanted to say hi , to you and mum , I'm a breast cancer lady to ... so sending a big brave hug to you... your mum must be so proud of you ... take care chrisie xx

  • Hello again RoseyKay, Your Mum can clarify this with the nurse tomorrow. I'm not a medic, so not qualified to guess what this percentage means. I assume it really was a percentage, and not a number. There are lots of different 'scores' for breast cancer, and they are often just numbers.  All I can say is that if I was in your shoes I would want to receive 2 percentage chances of recurrence. One with chemo and one without. I would then know how much my chances of recurrence would be decreased with the chemo, and can balance that against possible side effects, which may be long lasting. Harry

  • Hi Roseykay, My mum has just been diagnosed too and has to have chemo followed by a mastectomy. I'm scared for her and how chemo will make her feel, but yesterday I went with her to find out her treatment plan and I feel a lot more confident now. I have no idea how our mums will feel, but I wanted to say hi and let you know you're not alone. Mum told me yesterday that she really appreciated me just being there for her and that knowing she has love and support, she is going to get through it - however *** it might be. Good luck with your mum's treatment, and stay strong xx
  • Apologies for a late response, you are too kind!


    Best wishes for yourself! xxx

  • Heya, 


    I'm sorry for the late response!


    It is not an easy time for all of us but we are going to get through it! 

    I truly appreciate your time to write a reply, It shows there is caring people out in the world. 

    Best wishes to you and your mum, and if you ever need extra support from a friend, I am here 10000% :) xxx

  • Likewise hunny!   Would be good to hear how your mum feels after Tuesday. My mum is still waiting for a start date as our local hospital is so busy.

    I know she's really worried about how rubbish it will make her feel.

    I hope your mum is coping ok and that you're ok too


  • Found out it's actually just a consultation with an oncology doctor tomorrow, but is expected to start chemo next Tuesday. 

    It is a weird time, but she's completely fine! Can't physically see anything different, kind of apprehensive for the next few months to come, but taking it day by day will be easier than formulating scenarios which are unlikely to happen. 

    The waiting game is probably the worst part of this process, but again as long as we are there for our elders, it'll ease the worry. 

    Best wishes xxx



  • Hi I was diagnosed in sept with stage 1 breast cancer. So far I’ve had 2 sessions of chemo. Got 6 more to go. After chemo I will have my lump removed. Me being me had reactions afterwards and ended up in hospital. Everyone is different  and react different. 

    Its tough but you will all get through it. 

    Good luck to your mum and hope everything goes ok.x