Mum has stage 4

My mum has stage 4 kidney cancer, we have been told she has up to a year. I don't even know why I'm writing this...

my sister is taking her to appointments etc.. she calls me to keep me updated as my mum doesn't want to talk about it. Mums getting angry at my dad, my brothers mental health is going down hill and I'm trying to help him.... will covid I can't go and see her because I work with children so could be exposed to the virus. My son is asking questions and doesn't understand the full extent. I'm torn between going to see her and keeping her safe. Just feel torn apart and alone, I don't know how I can cope with all that's going on, I spend most nights crying or exhausted. I know no one can help. I just had to write something where someone might understand. I do t know what to do for the best. I just want my mum to get better. 

  • Hello Theslaw,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat and I'm sorry to hear about your mum and to hear that things are taking their toll on the family. Talking is really important and, if you're able to use video call with your mum, that could be a great way of keeping in touch while being away. Understanding how each of you is feeling will be help you support each other, and it's ok to ask for that advice or support. Also SimPal is an organisation that can offer free phones for you to communicate, if you need it. We also have a team of nurses available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on the free number 0808 800 4040.

    Talking to children can be difficult but there are some tips here, which I jope might be helpful.

    All the best to the family and look after yourself,

    Moderator Anastasia


  • Hi there, I can understand where you are coming from. In the early days before I learned that my mum had lung cancer, lockdown hadn't been on that long and I wasn't seeing her either due to my work in a hospital.

    It's a horrible situation as it is without being cut off further from face to face contact. It's tough. We found face time helpful and lots of phone contact.

    Maybe even a window visit or a chat on the doorstep with space for social distance. I hope some of this helps xx