Mum has gained her angel wings

On Monday night I lost my dear mum after a 5 month battle with lung cancer,she is my hero how she fought,never complained about the side effects of chemo/immunotherapy....blood transfusions,prodded constantly with needles,canulas 

min between spending 15 weeks in and out of hospital she had gall stones and numerous infections,sadly the last infection was not going away the antibiotics did not work as her immune system to weak to fight anymore

we got her out of hospital and got her home where she wanted to be,with my dad and children grandchildren by her side for days when she took her last breati will miss her so much,but take comfort she is no longar suffering, all of you who have gone through this or going through it I know how it feels 

keep strong keep hoping and keep fighting 




  • Hope you have lots of happy memories to look back on over the years your mum was healthy.  I share your pain having lost my mum in January this year, she was 57.  Coping well really, plan ahead for birthdays etc so they don’t catch you off guard, it’s the little milestones that catch me out, the times when I would have just called her or shared with her.  Take a little time for you through the next few weeks and months ️ ️