Mum has cancer, can't focus on school work


My mum has just been diagnosed with cancer and i cant help feeling like its the end of the world for me. Im so scared and upset all the time, especially since my mum and I are so close. I cant live without her and she gives the best advice and I dont know how I would stay sane without her. Im 14 so I have a lot of school work due to GCSE's and I cant seem to focus on it, would be great if anyone had some useful adive.

  • Hello acro988

    Sorry to hear that your Mum has had this diagnosis. I can appreciate how scary this must be. And no wonder you can't concentrate at school. You haven't said what type of diagnosis your Mum has had. Has she talked to you about her type of cancer? Maybe you are both too shocked to talk about it just yet?

    I think that there are two issues to be looked at here; how you are feeling and how your Mum is doing - and of course these are connected. If you can get information about the type of cancer your Mum has and how far advanced it may be this will give you a start in understanding what may lie ahead  it may be that things could be more optimistic than you think. 

    In terms of how you are feeling - is there anyone in your family that you might be able to talk to about your fears; Dad? Brother/sister? Gran or Granddad? Sharing your thoughts with one of them could be a start to getting support  

    in school itself do you have a friend you could talk to - who might come with you to talk to a teacher about your concerns and the impact on your studies?

    Try one or more of the above and let me know how you get on. 

    Best wishes


  • It's scary when you hear the word cancer but don't be Hun I have terminal cancer so my thoughts are with you and your mum be positive that will get you through xx

  • Hello, I'm really sorry to hear your news. It must be a scary time for you! Please do remember that although it might feel like the end of the world for you, there's a very good chance it might not be. It's easy for us to say this, but please do try and be positive. Lots of people survive cancer these days. I have a daughter your age (My wife currently has cancer) and she's equally scared and worried too. Now, I wouldn't worry TOO much about your GCSE's at the moment, have a word with your school and see if you're able to get some help with your schoolwork. Don't be worried about sharing your problems with people, there are lots of lovely people working in schools who've been trained especially for situations like this and they can absolutely help you both with your work, and more importantly with your feelings. All the best to you! Hope everything works out. If you're worried about anything please do ask anything you like on here.
  • Hi Acro988

    I'm a Mum of an 11 and 15 year old and I was diagnosed with cancer 2 weeks ago. It's pretty scary but please don't feel like it's the end of the world. Your mum is still there for you, and I am sure she will continue to be. Everyone works so hard to fight cancer, it's incredible.

    It's easy to think about the worst case scenrio, but it's important to try and stick to the facts. I tend to flip between being tearful and grumpy and I hate feeling out of control, but like you, it's hard to control how I feel. But what you need to remember is that your Mum needs you and your close relationship. It is as important as any treatment she has, so stick to her like glue (without driving her mad!!) You will deal with this far better together.

    Try not to worry too much about school, make sure that you talk to the people who can help you, so that you don't have any extra pressure put on you. Try to approach this like when you were little. The monster under your bed, or that shadowy corner. It's scary and unexpected, it's hard to understand and you don't know what the outcome will be. But like all the problems you have faced with your Mum, you will face this together, and conquer the monster and shine a light on the shadowy corner.   

    Be brave & don't be afraid of your feelings - they are normal and so are you. In the coming weeks it will all calm down and you will start to feel a bit more in control. You are the product of your amazing Mum so you can do anything!!

    Take care, big hugs xx 

  • Hi there, When people hear the C word they tend to think of the worse scenario because that is what you tend to hear most talked about. 7 years ago next month I was diagnosed with cancer and have been very lucky so far. My daughters were both in their 20s at the time. Just be there for your mum and work hard at your school work because your mum will be so proud of the grades you achieve and you being positive with your school work and asking for help with school work etc will help to keep your mum focused and positive as well. Cancer treatment will no doubt take it out of your mum and just help her at home on any tired days she may have in her fight. Think positive and good luck to you and your mum.