Mum Diagnosed with Pagets Disease of the Nipple

My mum has just been diagnosed with Pagets Disease of the nipple and also has invasive ductal carcanoma. She is pending an MRI to see if it's anywhere else and then her medical team will advise whether she has Chemo first and then a mastectomy, or vice versa. 

I'm so scared for her and want to be the most supportive daughter that I can be so any advice on helping her through this would be welcomed :)

My son is extremely close to her too - he is almost 13 and I want to help him through this as I know it's going to be upsetting for us all to see mum get sick before she gets better.

  • Hi Kerra ... welcome to our little club... it’s heartbreaking to see your mum going through this, there is no easy way through. That’s why you hear the word rollercoaster said so often ... so many ups and downs .. but having you there by her side, holding her hand will be a comfort to her...

    i can only tell you my cancer journey and what helped me was on first hearing the word cancer, I was in shock for a couple of days and retreated to curling up in bed not wanting to talk to anyone... my son was in a panic, and the one thing that turned me around was my daughter in law got us both together and said o.k you have cancer, we’ll find out all we can, we’ll deal with everything as and when it comes up, no more “what ifs” and we’ll do it together... and true to her word she held my hand on my tests and biopsy.. they were there the day of my op ... stopped till I came around and made sure I was fine .

    i also watched a t.v program about a children’s cancer ward , where they were all smiling, even sitting there with cemo drip, no hair... and one little one walking around attached to her drip .. I said if they can handle this, so can I .... now 3months post mastectomy, I make the most of each day ... I find something to smile about ... even in our ward after op we had some funny times, which helped us through... 

    once my family we’re behind me, supporting every decision I made, it gives me the strength to face every new day ... I make as many good memories I can, especially with my 5year old granddaughter (in photo) I’ve used gentle honesty about my op and because wer so positive, she takes it all in her stride .. 

    your son is 13 and it’s a difficult age but you’ll be surprised if you answer his questions honestly but basic, so they feel they know what’s happening, we told our Emily, nanny is very poorly, but the doctors are trying to make me well again ... she was happy with that ... the kids are so much better at coping then us adults ... they may seem upset but a few minutes later they can move on to something else, as long as they see you cope ... this is just my way ,that worked for us... hope that helps a little ..

    regards chrisie ️ Xx

  • Thank you so much for your advice Chrisie. 

    I hope to be the best support possible for my mum. We are a close family and I know we will all be there for each other.

    Your words have really helped - thank you. 

    I wish you the best of luck for your recovery xx