Mum and dad

My mum and dad both past away from cancer my mum was only 57 and my dad was 67 mum past 2009 and dad 2017 and I miss them ever so much I dont even leave my house anymore as I suffer from depression and anxiety and I really have bad panic attacks and I think its because of them gone and I've tried everything but nothing works for me and I have 3 young children and I wanna take them out and have fun days but I can not but when me and my babies are together we have so much fun but I wish I can take them out the house I'm sure I will get over my panic of the outside world.  And I'm sorry that none of this made any sense I hope you all have a lovely day and keep your head up. Jimmy 

  • Hi Jimmy, 

    I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your parents. Understdnably it can cause a lot of sorrow and heartache. 

    It sounds as if your depression and anxiety have had a real impact on the quality of your life. You mention that you've "tried everything" and so I'm guessing that you've already spoken with your GP about your mental health. If you've not spoken to your GP, or not had a review recently, then do get in touch with them for an appointment. 

    There's some information on the NHS website about managing anxiety or you might find it helpful to get in touch with Anxiety UK who are able to offer advice and support on coping. 

    I do hope that things improve for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator