Multiple Myeloma

Waiting for Bone Marrow Transplant.

  • Welcome to the forum tapper although I'm sorry for the reason it has brought you here.

    Have you been told have long you may have to wait for the bone marrow transplant? I hope it isn't too long and you're managing o.k at the moment. If you feel comfortable telling us it would be lovely to find out more about you and will allow our lovely members who have been in the same situation to reply and share their advice and experiences with you.

    I'm not sure how much you know about multiple myeloma already but if you're interested you can find out more about it here and if you have any questions you can always give our cancer nurses a call. They are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m-5p.m on the following freephone number: 0808 800 4040.

    Kind Regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  •   Doing alright but can't deal with the heat. Staying inside staying cool. Waiting for all this to start happening to me. Go in Friday 7-29-16  received shots from UPS in cooler. Go to hospital with them show how to use them. And start that for 3-4 days. Loosens up morrow to remove from me. Then 2-3 days removing. Then set date for transplant. Long process 2-3 weeks. 2 months recovery at home. Live by self lot on my mind. What comes next? Feeling great now 4 weeks off Chemo. Doctors said did great no other problems at all. never got sick did good.

  • Apologies for the late reply tapper.

    How did it go at the hospital on Friday? I hope it went well and you're managing ok by yourself after they showed you how to use them. 

    It's also completely understandable to have so many thoughts on your mind and many of our members will know what you're going through right now having been in similar situations themselves and I'm sure they will be along soon to offer their support and share their experiences with you. In the meantime feel free to explore the forum and get involved in the community as our members will be more than happy to chat. 

    And remember, whenever you feel like you need to get things off your mind you can post here anytime. We are here for you if you need us. 

    Keep us updated with your progress tapper. We'll be thinking of you.

    Best Wishes, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • time to move ahead tuesday go in for removal of blood cell stems. taking shots alright but feel like a drug addict now...doing this. hope all goes well next three days. motel at nights.