Multiple lumps in both breasts

Hi everyone,

I am 30 and I have developed multiple breast lumps in the past 5 or so years. Some of them did appear to go away on their own, and I was getting them all checked and I've had about 6 core biopsies, showing them all to be fybroadenomas. Up until last year, I'd probably developed about 8 different lumps, all of which I'd had checked and were fine. However, in the past year the number of lumps I have in both breasts has rocketed up. I asked to be referred for another scan about 6 months ago and they found 6 lumps in my left breast and 9 in my right, all of varying sizes. They core biopsied the 3 largest and all were fybroadenomas again.

However recently they've been a constant presence on my mind. I keep having a stinging pain in both breasts and I can't tell if I've developed more lumps or if the ones I already had have increased in size or moved, but I'm sure they have because I can now see at least 2 of them under the skin without having to feel for them. I've googled and I can't seem to find much from people who have as many concurrent lumps as I have and I was wondering if anyone here had any similar experiences? Is there anything I can do? The doctor says I have dense breast tissue, which I know increases risk and makes me worry even more. I feel like I'm constantly going to my doctor with another lump but its really freaking me out. I lost my Nana to breast cancer a few years ago and I'm terrified that one of these lumps is going to be the one but I wont feel it through all the others or they won't biopsy it because theres too many to do.

  • Fibroadenonmas really are a nightmare, and reading your story just emphasises exactly why.  Sadly you still fall well within the 'hormonal changes' age group and that just makes life that bit more difficult when it comes to breast lumps.

    Sorry about your gran, but try to separate her experience from yours as there is no reason to think she has passed on a mutation to you, or anything along those lines.  Try to just deal with you and what you are going through.

    I have fibroadenomas, have since I was 17, and it did mean going to the breast clinic a lot to have new lumps checked out.  Sadly that's the life for people like us.  My breasts are so lumpy that even when I did get breast cancer in my left breast (we have a mutated gene, sadly it was my getting it that made the family finally eligible for testing) they had to run another 3 different scans on my right breast just to be happy that it didn't have cancer.  That's how problematic fibroadenomas can be from a diagnostic point of view.

    The good news is that your lumps are still mostly likely more fibroadenomas but you still need to get them checked out, frustrating, irritating and time consuming as that is.  I know for a long time I was prescribed a high dose of evening primrose oil and that did help a little, it might be worth asking your doctor about it, or a breast specialist probably would be better.

    Once you can see the changes it is a good idea to start taking photos so you can monitor change easier.  And it shouldn't be problematic on a privacy front as you can ensure only your breast is in the photo and no identifying features.

    Let us know how you get on getting these ones checked out.

    So sorry about your fibroadenomas, I understand your pain and worry on that front, they really can be a nightmare.


  • Hi,

    Thanks very much for replying to me :) I really appreciate hearing from someone else in a similar situation, I know that with so many lumps they're most likely to be fibroadenomas as well, but it doesn't stop the sinking feeling every time I detect yet another one in there! I understand as well that they can't be biopsying them all and do it based on size, shape and mobility of the lumps, but I wish I could have them all checked to be safe. I've even asked about getting them all removed but they doctor told me that I'm just likely to develop more anyway and I would likely need some reconstruction done as I think they're more lumps than breast at this point!

    My cousin on my Nana's side also died of breast cancer years ago, she was only 22 and so I think that they thought of her always puts me on edge when I think about my various breast lumps. I'll continue keeping an eye on them and being a regular at the breast clinic and hope for the best,  and I will definitely also ask about the evening primrose oil, thank you for the advice.

    I got checked today and the doctor thinks that some of the ones underneath might have gotten larger and are pushing the others upwards, so back for another biopsy I go!

    Thanks again,



  • Hello,

    I'm really sorry to just jump into this thread, but I too have multiple fibroadenomas, I've had a biopsy on one of them "because it looked different to the rest" and thankfully it came back benign. That was a few years ago. However now I've been referred back to the clinic because I've been getting burning/stabbing pains in my breast, shoulder blade and armpit for about a month and my breasts have got even more lumpier! I know that the pain isn't linked to my periods. I'm so worried it's all I can think about. I just wondered if anyone else gets these sorts of pains too.


  • A burning pain was actually one of my motivations for going and getting the lumps checked again. The doctors dont seem to know what it is, but I'm being referred for more scans so if I find out a possible reason for the pains, I'll let you know!

  • Sorry for the late reply,

    I've been referred too. The wait is is one of the worst things, plus I've been spending too much time on Google (never a good thing). Let me know how you get on.

    Wishing you all the best.

  • Hello, I stumbled upon this and wondered what your results were? Hoping they were a good outcome! I have the same symptoms currently, burning pains and lumps. Hope to hear back, thank you 

  • Hello there, I was looking for people in a similar situation as I have the symptoms that you spoke of above. I wondered what your results were? Thank you 

  • Hi. In the same situation at the moment. Just turned 30. Had a big fibroadenoma removed in 2015 that eventually got bigger and bigger and caused too much pain. Since the last month started having horrible back pain, left shoulder pain, left armout pain and even in top and found a tiny lump on left breast and one on top of breast and armpit where the arch of armpit is? Just got referred to breast clinic and may be 2 weeks and now waiting is really scary and have been so upset as this feels like a different pain and didn't have any other pain last time only the pain in the lump! I hope you all have found answers and definitely understand how you feel/felt x

  • What did they say about it being different to the others please respond I'm in the same situation except they don't know what the lumps are at the moment