Morphine Toxins

Has anyone heard of this before ?  My husband is end stage pancreatic cancer. He is on two drivers and has had so many break throughs over the last 2 days as he is very agitated.  The doc thinks its because there has been a build up of toxins in his body and they are to be changing his driver tomorrow to another drug beginning with "".  Sorry i cant remember its name.  Im really worried.  Does anyone have any experience of this,  thank you.

  • So sorry hunny, it must be heart breaking for you ... can't help with advice but have you got in touch with McMillan as they really helped my sister when my brother in law was so poorly, they came round and helped practically and was a great help listening to my sister when she needed support ..

    So just want to send you a big hug, brave lady ... hold on in there ... reach out to anyone who can help .. there's a help line on here and McMillan that you can call for advice too .. take care Chrissie xx

  • Hi Margin,

    You could give the nurses a ring, I'm sure they'd be able to advise.

    My own knowledge is limited to what I've known relatives to be given as part of their care. Morphine (oromorph), diamorphine (heroin) and fentanyl (fentanil). 

    Best wishes


  • This is just beyond horrendous my hubby is on the maximum dose of all his drugs now and hes still agitated and in pain.  The morphine was changed to oxy something  and hes getting medazalm and levy something. Hes getting break through every 2 to 4 hours and one dose went from 2.5mg to 25mg and hes still experiencing pain.  The agitation is awful its killing me seeing him like thus i just want it to end for his sake.    They wouldnt put an animal through what my husband is going thro.  These memories will never ever leave me its just so awful words cant describe it.

  • That sounds horrendous, a nightmare. I am a strong supporter of assisted dying - especially after a similar experience with my Grandad many years ago. His last words to me were "I'm buggered, if I was a dog I'd have been put down weeks ago". 

    I hope your husband's suffering ends soon, one way or another. Mum's dosage was increased massively after my Dad badgered the GP and the nurses. 

    Best wishes



  • Thanks Dave.  Theres no sign of him letting go.  I feel ive got it all wrong  im racked with guilt its too much.  I was calling the nurses out cos he was screaming in pain to help him so more morphine was pumped into him and medazalam etc to calm him down he couldnt speak and tell me to stop this is getting worse its all wrong.   I thot he was in pain from the cancer not the bloidy morphine.