Mom's just been given upto 7 months to live :(

Hi I'm tom. My mom's been ill since Feb and it took a while to diagnose but eventually found out it was lung cancer. I went to see her Friday and have now been told she has 6 to 7 months to live. Cant begin to say how much this hurts but I'm sure there's many people here who can sympathise. Just needed somewhere to vent this out as it's driving me crazy

  • Hi Tom.....I am in the same position. ..I have just been told my mum has upto a yr today...brain and lung.   My heart is hurting.  I want to know if she will be will be well enough to make memories.....I guess we need to be strong and make the most of every day.  I am in shock. ..hurt and anger.  Take care 

  • Hi. It's an awful disease and it is truly heartbreaking to go through. Same as you I just want to have a few more nice memories with my mom but most if all just want her to be free of the pain she's in. Anger is a good word but I'm trying my best to control it and not let it rule this. Take care yourself my friend.

  • Thank you sue. Yes a shock indeed. You always think it will never happen to you or yours but just goes to show I guess. X

  • Hey Tom, hope you're doing ok. I lost my dad to cancer at about 9 years old. Although I can't remember a lot, I remember the pain. Yeah, that not might help, but it's the truth. My life completely changed. My mindset today has been shaped by that experience greatly, it mentally matured me at a young age and although being positive is difficult sometimes, I definitely came out stronger. Sorry if this sounds a little cliche. Yeah this experience is going to hurt, but you need to accept the situation and cherish those final moments. The future might look bleak, but it will eventually be ok. For now you just have to bear it. Sorry to hear about your situation and I wish you the best. Laura. 

  • Thank you for the kind words. I'm not sure exactly which type of lung cancer it is as my mom was trying to protect me from this and I'm 41. She is classed as a stage 4 which I know have come to find out is serious. She was going to have chemo but the doctors have said it would do more harm than good so my mom's decided against it. From what I've been told normally there's a 70 to 80% success rate with treatment against this cancer but my mom is in a 4% minority of people who's genes it won't work with.

  • How are you doing?    Have you got your Dad around to help support too.  My Dad is coping but he is old and I am worried how he will cope.  I am 40 and they trying to protect me....I am going to speak to the doctors tom on my own to try and see what the next stages are and how to help.      We need to make the last months of our Mum's lives as happy and real as possible.   I am selfishly thinking of how I won't be able to cope without her.  But it must be hard for them to Know they have to say goodbye to everyone /everything thing they love.     My Mum is stubborn and know she will want to do things her way.  Which might not be the best but I will have to respect that.    Take care and I totally understand what you going through.

  • Hi Tom,I really do feel for you,I've just lost my dad in March and now my mum in October for this truly horrible disease,spend as much time as you can with her,do as much as she can and honestly make the most of it as I hate to say it,but it is horrible! Both my mum and dad had lung cancer then it spread,so honestly do anything that she wants.xx


  • Thank you fly. We are doing all we can for her and have lots of great people round us at this incredibly difficult time. X

  • Hi Tom

    so sorry to hear of your sad news. My mum died of lung cancer 12 years ago when I was 41. It's a real barsteward of a disease! She was diagnosed in the April and we didn't think she would be with us by Christmas of that year, and yet she carried on for 15 months which we weren't expecting - bonus! All I can say is I have great memories of the time I then spent with her. In a perverse way it gave me more time to be with mum than I normally had knowing her time was limited. I will treasure that time and the good memories we made. We kept our sense of humour, black and bleak though it was at times, and it helps you through the tough bits. Take care Tom, wishing you all the strength and love you and your mum need right now.

  • Hi tom i know what you are feeling right now my also been given 7 months to live she has kidney failure her kidneys have stopped wirking now she is in hosptail every 2 weeks now due to her bringi g up blood and that its so so hard to listen to doctor or nurse tell u u mum got only 7 months to live im heartbroken my mum gets palative care and careers in 4 times a day and the distric nurse in every morning its only me and my mum i care for her on my own noone comes help me i have fybromiylia syndrome diabetic myself and that but as i said to my mum i am and will be here with u until the very end and i pinky promised her which means we cant ever break that promise god bless Tom xx