Mom with secondary cancer- please help!

Last year my mom was diagnosed with secondary bone cancer which has now also gone to her liver and most recently her lungs.

She was on chemo tablets and now has switched to weekly chemo through the drip ( think it begins with a p). She's been quite ill with infections, vertigo, bone pain, coughing and has recently been getting short of breath. 

My question is how long do you think she has roughly and what do we expect? She's never asked her consultant out right how long as I don't think she really wants to know, but when he speaks he says don't think too far ahead. I don't get the chance to speak to him alone either. 

Im sick with stress and worry as I don't know what to expect and what to do. I keep having panic attacks and I can't sleep. If  I knew she had weeks, I'd take  time off work with stress so that I can be with her but if it's months then I can't as I couldn't afford to pay my mortgage and could loose my house. I really want to support her and be with her as much as I can but don't know what to do.

My mom and sisters seem to think she has years and I don't know how to tell them otherwise. Two of my sister's suffer with depression too so I don't know how they will react. 

I lost my dad from cancer too so it's bringing all that grief back. I really can't bear to loose my mom

Please can anyone give me some advice and guidance about what to expect?




  • Hi Jessnut,

    I'm really sorry to learn about your mum's diagnosis and how this has affected you and the family. I can see that being unable to plan the time you have with your mum would cause stress, but it can be difficult for doctors to determine exactly how long somebody has. Although you've mentioned you don't get the chance, if you ever get attend an appointment with her consultant I'm sure they'd be able to discreetly answer your questions and may have some recommendations to help your mum cope with the side effects of the treatment. We also have a team of nurses available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm if you ever need to talk to someone, you can call them for free 0808 800 4040.

    I hope this is useful and all the best to you,

    Moderaotr Anastasia