Mom is feeling really bad, stage 4

Hi everyone. I posted here already around 2 months ago. My mom went to the hospital, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer then, then home. Me, my sis and dad are caregivers.

My mom was feeling alright in a way, she was on wheelchair, but was able to do things she wanted. Past few days she's sleeping a lot, not moving, not talking much, Doctor is coming today, but with what they told us before there's not much they can do, it's very advanced. I just fear these are her last days. And my question is what do I do? 

I'm at loss. I never had to go through dead of close loved one, only grandma and aunt, but I was too little to care and they also weren't just before my eyes, they lived far away and I didn't see them before their death. I'm honestly a bit confused because it seems I don't feel anything. When she went to the hospital and we feared the worst I was crying all day, I was terrified. Now I feel like I already grieved? Seeing her everyday for two months like that made me realise she may actually die, but at the same time I still don't want it to happen. But right now I feel very empty and I feel like I can't do anything. My question is, how did you cope when your loved one was dying? What is there to do?

  • Hi there ...

    So so sorry your going through this heartbraking time at the moment.... seeing your mum go through this journey is tuff .... crule ..

    But honestly there's no right or wrong way to feel ... it sounds like you've had pre grief which is quite common .. I'd say just live in the day ... tell yourself it's o.k to feel anything ... and just hold her hand .. they say hearing is the last thing we loose... so keep talking she just may hear you ...

    Be prepaired for highs and low emotion ... if it gets too hard call Marie Currie and they are there for your mum and family ....  even if you just want a chat or advise or help ... they can inform you how to get it .. take all the help you can ... it's gonna be one of the hardest things you ever go through ... but by taking one day at a time it is doable... and just a hand to hold is what we all want at the end ...

    And you can ask or vent on here to ... there's always someone will try and help you through .. sending a vertual hug.... Chrissie xx

  • Hi ya, I no just how your feeling. My dad died at home 3 weeks ago with his wife myself and my 3 sisters with him. I've never experience anything like that in my life we had the palliative care coming in twice a day because dad started sleeping lots too. They was fantastic they gave my dad a medicine around 7pm on the Eve he died. it was the first time in weeks I saw him out of pain he just slept at went peacefully in his sleep I wasn't scared it was so a odd feeling. When the time comes I can honestly say you will be fine!! Take each day as it comes ️ Xx

  • Hey, I'm so so sorry to hear about your mum. My mum was diagnosed in Feb 21, with advanced bowel, and deteriorated quickly soon after- she passed away on 31st March, she was 55. 
    You questioned what should you do, in terms of medical advice, you mentioned a doctor coming out to see her, voice your concerns to the doctor. Also, seek help from your mum's palliative team/ district nurses, they were a great help for my mum- they assisted with day to day activities, as well as prescribe any medicine she required. 

    Further to this, there isn't much you can do, apart from be there for your mum, tell her that you love her. Make memories with her, remind her of the great memories you had with her from your childhood. I know this is easy said than done, but please don't grieve someone who is still here- I said the same to my siblings. Make the most of your time with her, tomorrow isn't guranteed for anyone, regardless if the person has cancer or not

    You will cope, you are coping. But take each day as it comes, every day you have with your mum is a blessing within itself, don't waste these days overthinking.

      If you need to talk, feel free to message me.

    Sending you lots of love and prayers xx

  • Hi Rsxo

    i thought your message was wonderful !

    I go into hospital tomorrow for a tumour on left kidney to be treated, I don't have a support system but found support from your message for that lady God bless her

    Thank you so much ! 

    peter k

  • So sorry you all face this. I don't wish to cause offence but I'm honest. I just lost my Mum Friday and my Dad 2 days later. Mum was home for end of life care and due to blood vessel complications she was immobile and bed ridden. Within 2 weeks she went from discomfort and fearful of death to asleep all the time, delirious kept calling out Mummy and talking about her whole life in strange ways. She stopped eating and drinking but lived for over a week often needing cleaning after bowel and bladder movements. When death occurred my children had only just left the garden for my Son's 6th birthday and it was very peaceful. I spoke to her and kissed her and said how proud of her I was. It is hard but God bless you all and do what feels right x

  • Hey Peter, 

    Thank you so much for your reply, I'm glad my messaged helped you! 
    I'm hoping your treatment well, and wishing you a speedy recovery. In terms of you not having a support system, this forum has helped me through the darkest of days ( more than my friends and family) during my illness and more recently when I lost her, please message on here, there's so many other people going through the same thing, and are willing to help- never feel like you are alone, you're not. 
    Feel free to message me if you need to - sending you lots of love and prayers x

  • Hi

    Had major problems to get back to you but great to hear back from you I got out of hospital a few days after

    treatment for kidney cancer. I have emotional support zero -  but try to encourage others on YouTube partic in America where I used to live. I am so sorry if anything

    happened to your mother, the same thing happened to my mother. Cancer runs in the family unfortunately.

    I will pray for you tonight and also pray for your mom if she has entered Heaven. We need to find the cure for

    cancer which wipes out indiscriminately so many families.

    take care, God bless you and loved ones. 





  • Hi again

    you cope by praying for strength to help you, you pray

    for your mom and acknowledge to God you know your souls one day will be reunited in a tranquil beautiful place where there is no illness or disease. 

    It is called :  Heaven. 

    please do as I suggest. watch what happens.


    thank you

