Missing smear test sample

This is the first time I’ve posted in a forum so I don’t know if I’m doing it right here goes!

i want to know if anyone else has ever experienced this and what you did about it! 

about 3 months ago I was called for a routine smear test which I have had done successfully many times before. But on this occasion the nurse couldn’t get the sample without causing pain. After 3 attempts she called time on the appointment and said I’d have to come back in 2 weeks for the dr to do it! This knocked my confidence massively and made me worried for 2 weeks as I thought something must be wrong with me? 

So so I went back after 2 weeks and the dr did the test successfully without causing pain so I can only assume it was the nurses technique which meant she couldn’t get the sample originally. After the dr did the test I waited for a few weeks and I still hadn’t received my results. Then over the period of the next 6 weeks I contacted the dr surgery several times and each time I was fobbed off   By the receptionist who told me she couldn’t access the system or that there was a delay with getting smear test results! Eventually I managed to speak to a helpful receptionist who contacted the lab and apparently the lab never received my sample!!!!! And that I have to get the test done again! But they can’t fit me in for a month!!! So I have to go through the “trauma” of having the test done again. 

The reason i’m Upset is because I contacted the surgery several times for the result and I was just fobbed off and made to feel like a neusance. I don’t know who to complain to because I emailed a complaint to my surgery and they aren’t responding. I feel I should complain to someone because although nothing can be done for my situation I don’t want this to happen to someone else. If this had been my first experience of a smear test I wouldn’t be going back! it’s caused me quite a bit of anxiety. I’m only going back because I know that usually it’s not a traumatic experience! 

  • Welcome to the forum Olive although I'm really sorry to read what's happened.

    Hopefully you'll hear from some of our members who have been in similar situations soon but I just wanted to make you aware of PALS. It stands for Patient Advice and Liaison Service and they help people who want to make a complaint about the treatment they've received so do get in touch with them when you can.

    Wishing you all the best with your next smear test Olive.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for getting back to me :)


    I will have a look into PALS and see what i need to do. I do feel bad complaining as I know we are so lucky to have the nhs but I wouldn’t want someone else to go through this. 


    Thank you :)