Missing My Mum Terribly

I lost my mother to cancer in November, seven months after diagnosis.

She had been making strides with her chemo but she caught an infection whilst in hospital which led to pneumonia and the doctors went from saying she'll be home in a couple of days to saying she's dying. She had been eating, laughing and saying she can't wait to come home and sleep in her own bed and her bloodwork was great and then the next day she was so out of it on pain relief she didn't know who I was.

I was just getting my head around the fact that my mother had cancer and, suddenly she's gone. I'm the youngest of four and I live at home and worked with my mum. I miss her terribly. The grief is setting in more and more in the last week. I can't talk or think about her awful death and the last seven months without projectile vomiting and getting into a state. I can't even leave the house at the moment, I'm anxious about everything. I've had nothing but reccurent infections and illnesses since my mum died and but I am making a concious effort to eat and to eat healthy because I don't want to keep getting sick.

How do I cope? How do I overcome the anxiety? and how do i stop myself vomiting all the time?

  • Oh Sweetheart, I am so sorry for what has happened. Shock and grief are such physical, tangible things, I know, I lost my mum in July and the physical pain and horror of what she went through is still with me every day, but you learn to live with it. I honestly think that you need a little help and support at this time, maybe from your GP. It doesn''t mean that they will give you medication, but they will be able to provide support and advice, maybe point you in the direction of a local organisation that can help.
    Nothing takes away the pain, but it does dull as time goes on, but be kind to yourself, and realise that grieving is personal and different for everyone. There are no rules. Do you have a close friend or family member that you can talk to?
    I send you huge hugs and hope that you will be able to find a little comfort very soon. xxxx

  • Hello Prism25 and welcome.  So sorry about your mum; it is still very early days since her death so don't expect too much from yourself.  Just take one day at a time; get through that and then start again getting through the next day.  Don't try to think any further ahead as that is too much to contemplate.    There are no rules for grieving; nor is there a timescale.  Do whatever helps you.  I still "talk" to my mam - I have my parents wedding photo on the wall and look at it frequently (1942 - rationed clothing and my dad in army uniform).  Talk about your mum with others in the family/friends circle.  Cry, laugh, anything that helps you.  Your mum is still a part of you.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • I know exactly how you feel. Mum died in March after a 2 year battle with oesophageal cancer but her death was sudden and it was me who found her. I suffered terrible anxiety, started after the funeral. I had to ask my doctor for counselling which really helped. I understood that what I was feeling was normal and that the flashbacks etc would get better and they did. You will learn to cope. When I get low I think what my mum would say and she would tell me to stop moping and get on with things! I miss her terribly but I take one day at a time and I try and talk about how I’m feeling when I’m depressed although it isn’t easy when you have that cloud over your head. Take comfort in knowing you are not alone and everyone on this page knows exactly what you are going through. 

    Sending hugs
