Missing Mum

My mum died very suddenly have being diagnosed of lung cancer at the start of this month. We are still waiting on the post mortem which should have been last week and now should be this week. We have planed the funeral which seems ages away. I feel so lost with her. I didn't ring her every day but I knew she was there. She was only 58, me and my sister's have got angry at each other and my poor dad is hurting. I know all of our feelings are still so raw has mum has only been gone two weeks. Those two weeks have gone so slowly. We went round to my parents house and my children are still asking where is grandma. They know she is dead but they are still expecting her to waiting for them. She did so much for the grandchildren. I know normal will never be the same and finding that new normal will take time it is just not fair she went so quickly. Xxx

  • Hi, so sorry for your loss...I lost my mum very quickly after diagnosis too to lung cancer.  It is so hard to get your head around it.  My mum died 4 months ago and I still cannot believe she is gone.  It is so raw for you and your family right now.  You need to just do whatever is right for you to get through this time of funeral planning etc....lots of people will be checking up on you now offering support, take it whilst you can because eventually people go back to their own lives whilst your world is still in pieces...some days will be harder than others. Be kind to yourself x

  • Hi...I can completely understand how you are feeling..I lost my mum when she was 60 and had only been diagnosed 9 months previously, It went from being diagnosed to having a operation to 3 months later it being terminal.. it is the hardest thing I have ever been through.  Best thing is just deal with each day as it comes, there's lots of tears to come,it will be stressful for all the family over the next few days. You see people getting on with their lives whilst you think yours has stopped,and thats hard....it will get better.. I'm here if you need anything.

    Thinking of you.

    Steph xx

  • Sorry for the loss of your mum I know how your feeling.My mum also died of cancer at the age of 55 also very suddenly she didn’t have a diagnosis until the autopsy she became unwell a week before and was given antibiotics for a chest infection.it’s the worst pain in the world like you said it takes a while to get use to the new normal and even then you still have your moments and the bad days. My mum has been gone a year on Friday it has gone so quick but we still talk all the time about her as a family it’s comforting and even tho she’s not here I can still feel her around me. I often take myself to her grave and have a chat as it helps me grieve for her. People say it gets easier but it doesn’t really the pain is always the same you just learn to adapt. And although it’s raw at the moment hopefully you and your sister can make amend as you will all need each other at this hard time x

  • The most mortem results came back today. My mum died of a blood clot. It stopped her heart and there was nothing that anyone could have done. It is the first time since my Mum diagnosed that I have heard  relief in my Dads voice.  We now can go ahead finalising my mum's funeral.


    Thank you for kind words Steph 


    Emma xx

  • Bless you...its so rubbish isn't it. My mum was a diagnosed with adrenal cancer which unfortunately spread...

    We too was very close it hit me so much...I still now have days where I talk about her like shes still here... then others where I cry looking at a photo...

    My dad was so strong though it all . .but look out for each...XXX lot's of love xxx