Miss My Mum

Hey everyone,

I lost my mum to cancer a couple months ago and ever since then I just feel so empty and broken inside. She was the most beautiful and caring person I have ever had in my life. Since I moved away from the country where I was born when I was younger I only ever had my mum, dad and little sister as my closest family. My dad works fly in fly out so it was basically my mum and my sister that I spent the most time with. My mum was always there for me and my sister for whatever we needed and she was always so proud of us. She loved us so much and now that she is not here I feel like I have no one. My little sister is often upset and I don't know what to tell her to make her feel better because I know saying it's ok is not going to help and I don't want to lie to her either. My dad still works fly in and fly out to try and pay our bills and when he is not here its just me and my sister at home. We are trying to get our grandma to fly over to stay with us if she gets a visa.

When I am upset i go on my phone and re read the texts between me and my mum. This makes me happy because I can hear her voice in my head but it also makes me upset that she will never text me or call me ever again. I have tried talking to psychologists about my situation but none of them seem to help instead they just make the matter worse. I feel like there is no point talking about/explaining your pain to someone if they will never understand it. I guess thats why I came to post to this forum because people will at least have some sort of understanding of what I'm going through.

Thanks for taking the time to read and if you have any input or things that have worked for you please tell me.

  • Hello pp3.  Welcome to this forum.  I am sorry you have lost your mum; it is now some years since my own mam died but you don't forget and you still feel a pang.  Two months is really very recent so don't expect too much from yourself at this time. Do your sister and yourself still live in the family home?  Sorry if I am being too inquisitive but it is good to get the overall picture.  For the time being just take each day one at a time; don't look too far foward as that is too daunting.  Do whatever helps you - I liked that you are re-reading your mum's texts  I kept a few things that meant a lot to me - my parents (wartime) wedding photograph, a jar she had given to me, her watch and other odds and ends; these things helped me to connect with her and I felt better for taking a bit of time each day to think about my mam.  Just do what feels right to you. 

    You will find a lot of other posts here from people who are devastated by losing a close relative and I hope you will feel able to talk with them and share your experiences.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Hey Annie, thank you for replying it means a lot.

    Yes my sister and I are still living in the family home but we are trying to sell it and move in somewhere to rent as dad can not pay of the mortgage by himself. 

    I also kept my mums watch but I gave the jewelery to my sister as she can actually wear it.