miss mam so much!

my mam was disnoised with a water infection for 2 and half year. march 2018 my mam got told she had blader cancer and there was nothing they could do. why im i so angry why do i feel like my mam died at 51 due to lazyness and just not checking people out. she was getting amoxicillin on repeat for 2 years. do i have the right to be angry or is easy to miss this or am i just looking for someone to blame! 

  • Hi, so sorry about your loss. It’s exactly what happened to my mum. She was retaining urine all the time so they would put in a catheter and then take it out and then back in. Constant antibiotics. Permanent catheter in the end but no investigation why it was happening until we pushed and pushed for more in depth investigation. To then be told my mum had a large tumour in her urethra. 7 weeks every day of radiotherapy and then no cancer evident even though she went down to 5 half stone. Nobody was listening to us. We lost her in July from this. I too feel so angry and feel like everything could’ve been prevented. You have the right to feel angry but please don’t let it take hold of you grieving. Take care of yourself. X

  • Hi there,  


    Sorry for you loss. My mam lost so much weight too. before we found out she had cancer they nurse said cancer doesnt make you lose weight, then she starting losing the use of her legs and the dr at the A&E told her she just need some codine and sent her on her way. It makes you think, why not look into it.. Makes me so *** off, drs lied also saying she had a brain scan when she didnt. so much lies.. Thank you again for your reply. 


    Daniel x