Milestones and how to cope

My birthday weekend is approaching, and it will be the first without my mother who passed away in May. I've been dreading my special day this year, because I know that this year there won't be a phone call from her. 

She wasn't mobile, so it's not like we ever went out to celebrate. When she was in better health, she always cooked me a special birthday meal. But as she got older, and her health got worse she would sometimes order some food. But at the very least, I'd get a phone call and she'd always tell me about what time I was born - some time near midnight. She was always so enthusiastic about it!

Usually for my birthday I go out for dinner or brunch with friends. But I have to say, this year I have no interest in doing any of that stuff. I kind of just want to get away to a cabin in the woods or something, and just have something quiet.

My sister celebrated her birthday last month, and she too struggled with this milestone. She said she had dreams (nightmares) of our mum the night before.

How do you cope with the first milestones without your loved ones?


  • Hi seraphine.

    I haven't lost my mum but she is sick and i remember she once consoled a colleague who was wondering how she would get through Christmas after the sudden loss of her 5 year old son.she told her to treat Christmas day like any other day and to do whatever she wanted to do. Spend the day on your terms and if you feel like doing it quietly then do so. It is really early days in your grief path and i think you need to spend the day doing something that will minimise your sadness. It might be nice to do something that includes your mum..maybe light a candle for her or remember her quietly in a way that won't upset you. I really don't know what to say as everyone handles things differently but do remember how much she loves you (death doesn't change that) and take consolation from that. 

    Wishing you a peaceful day with a little pocket of happiness along the way.



  • Thank you so much for those kind words Denise. You are right, death doesn't change how much she loves me. She just can't be here to let me know anymore. But I know her kind wishes are with me. 

    I hope you are getting on ok on your journey with your sick mom. My thoughts are with you.


  • Hi seraphine

    How was your birthday? I was thinking of you and hoping you were ok..well done, one millstone over.

    Chat later

    Denise x

  • Hi Denise

    Thank you for thinking of me :)

    I had a great weekend away in the mountains with my boyfriend. We stayed in a cozy chalet that had a hot tub. We went for a lovely hike up a mountain, had a great meal out and actually got brave and swam in 16 degree weather! I have a bit of a new appreciation for life since my mom passed. I realize how short life is, and how important it is to try and have as many good experiences as possible.

    Tomorrow is my actual birthday. I've been on the verge of tears many times over the weekend. But I had to stop myself. I knew my mum would want me to have an amazing time celebrating my weekend and she'd hate to think that I was sad. Tomorrow will be hard though, particularly in the evening when I won't get the phone call from her, wishing me a happy birthday, that I would have always recieved from her.