metastatic kidney cancer

Hello all,

Its 3 years since my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer. He was told it was stage 2 - pT2a. (intermediate risk) He had his right kidney removed. He was told there was something else showing up but they were not worried about it. Around a year later following scans, the shadow that had previously showed up had increased in size and my husband was asked if he wanted to leave it or have it removed. It was on his adrenal gland. We were worried it may grow bigger and decided to have it removed. By the time of the operation it was 18 months since the kidney was removed. It wasnt until we had the phone call at home with the results that my husband was told the tumour was cancerous. He was as shocked as we were. 

I tried to ask the question was the cancer originally misdiagnosed and not really classed as Stage 2. When I read things on the internet it tells me as it had spread to the adrenal gland then it would be Stage 3!! I'm confused. The consultant said it was  Stage 2 metastatic kidney cancer, secondary cancer then? 

He was scanned every 6 months but after the last scan was told it would be yearly. I can't get my head around thinking he has stage 3 as when 1st diagnosed the 'other shadow' showed up then and although it was thought it was nothing, it actually turned out to be cancer. 

  • Hi Rose.,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read this - this must have been a big shock for you both and harder to deal with given what you were told previously.

    Firstly I hope you have some clear next steps to take from your husband's medical team, or that you find out soon what the next steps are.

    If you have any particular questions about what's happened so far or what might be to come, I'd suggest making a note of things and ensuring you discuss everything at the next appointment.

    If you're unsure about any terminology you've heard so far, it might be helpful to talk things through with our nurses. They're available Monday-Friday, 9-5, on 0808 800 4040.

    I know it must be hard but try to avoid thinking 'what if's, e.g if things had been clearer sooner, when the initial scans were done.

    I hope you find this forum useful - whatever happens next you'll find support here.

    Wishing you all the best,


    Cancer Chat Moderator