Merry Christmas

Good morning folks. 

Another early rise for me. Haven't slept well this week. My husband was diagnosed with Lung cancer yesterday 23.12.19. Hes been having tests and scans since 13th Nov.   He has a 6cm tumour right lung with 1 node affected. Its inoperable, T3/T4. The 1st consultation with oncologist is 3rd Jan. I've told a few very close friends but decided not to tell my siblings until after christmas - right or wrong I dont know. Nobody wants this news on christmas eve.  Yesterday I was feeling positive and strong and so was my husband. This morning I'm the opposite. I worry what he will go through in the weeks and months ahead and I'm scared. One day at a time eh. As my husband said yesterday, it could have been worse. ???????

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas with your loved ones. I'm thankful for this forum to let me vent.  Kaz. Xxx

  • Morning KMV, welcome to the forum the club nobody wants to join,

    You'll find a few on here with lung cancer, (I'm not one) just an early riser,. Thought I'd welcome you and hope your Christmas goes well, you'll probably be more set when you know what treatment options your husband has. Probably a lot won't come on forum with it being this time of year. But hopefully someone will........ Billy xx 

  • Hi Kaz,

    I am a lung cancer patient. My situation is that I have just had a pneumonectomy (12 days ago)  and saw my surgeon today for the histology. Unfortunately,  my cancer was/is an aggressive carcinoma and was at stage 4 due to some cells that were found in my lung lining and two tumours that were peresent in the lung, the large one being 8x8x6cms.

    I have been referred to an oncologist urgently for chemotherapy despite the surgery as I am at high risk of spread.

    As you and your husband are experiencing, this is not a great way to spend Christmas so I’m reaching out in solidarity. My husband has been through so much these last weeks and as we were hoping for better news today, he feels low this evening. Wishing you all the best.

    Joy x

  • Hello Joy

    Sorry Joy I've just re read your message and realised I misread it first time. Sincere apologies, I was rushing as I had to pick my daughter and son in law up from the station. They have come home from abroad after hearing my husbands diagnosis.  I am so sorry to hearing your Histology.  Stage 4 is a scary prospect but I've read on hear of people surviving for years with good life quality. I can identify with your husbands anguish at hearing your news. I personally am just trying to keep a lid on my emotions for everyone's sake. Early morning on my own are the most difficult.





    (Thanks so much for your message. I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he gets better news soon. The waiting at each stage is the worst part although I know they are moving as fast as possible. He is being strong but has started to experience pain which is distressing. It does help to know we are not alone - it's easy to feel sorry for ourselves but we will try not to. Good luck xx)

  • Thanks for replying Billy. This is a welcome retreat for me. Wishing you a Happy Christmas. Xx

  • Hi joy,KMV don't know if you had a look at my entry letter ABOUT ME, but I'm stage 4 uncurable, started prostate went to lymph nodes, spine, ribs, pelvis and a lung, diagnosed Feb 2016 still on the go living with my uninvited guest, would still be working if it wasn't for my wife being ill. Hope you and yours have a lovely Xmas......... Billy 

  • Hi Kaz

    No worries at all. We are all dealing with family reaching out to us and the poignancy of Christmas. I’m struggling today but hoping I can find a more positive outlook again soon. 

    My husband is also struggling so although I know I should be appreciating every moment of life I’m just not! 

    Thanks for what you said about people surviving. I know it is a fact that people do. I’m hanging on to that until the storm passes.

    Hope your day your husband  are okay

    Joy x


  • Billy 

    Thank you so much for your post. It helps me a lot. I will have a read of your ABOUT ME. If you can keep going with all you are facing, so can I!

    I’m desperately trying to get into a better mindset so I can be happy and calm with my husband and around my family and help them to feel the same. 

    I hope you had a good Xmas day and your wife is okay.


    Joy x