Mentally checked in! Breast clinic appt tomorrow morning

I've lurked here for a little while. I almost posted, but then didn't, because I felt absolutely okay. Today, I don't. I'm distracted, tense in my shoulders, anxious, approaching tearfulness (fine if i don't talk about 'it'). I'm at work - physically, brain is elsewhere. I feel so fortunate that I've managed to stay upbeat for the last two weeks. In part probably down to having dealt with a significant number of traumatic 'stuff' in the past, that I tend to be quite good at hunkering down until the storm has passed. Well, that storm arrives here, tomorrow...

I was referred on the 2WW pathway a couple of weeks ago, my appointment is in morning. I had a minor wobble on first 1-2 days, but since, i've just been getting on with things and as i said, felt just fine with waiting. I've been checking every day to make sure it's still there - Panicking a couple of days ago when i thought i'd 'lost' it. Just turns out that I was due on my period, which made things feel a bit different - I couldn't have timed my first mammogram better than the week i have tender boobs  anyway - it gives me something to roll my eyes at and be light hearted about.

Does anyone resonate with the feeling of making a mountain out of a mole hill. I hate fuss. What if it's nothing, then great right. But i'll still feel like a bit of a prat for worrying and wasting time and resource of my GP and clinical staff - Although its totally normal, I almost feel embarrassed - That's so weird!

Then there's the constant flip/flop of emotions and thoughts. On one hand, there's me with all those cliche irrational worries, and right there next to them, is me(!) with all the cliche rational thoughts. I'm actually going a bit mad. And it's all totally normal, and completely forgivable. And yet - despite my calm exterior - the person in my office who keeps sneezing is really going to get it :laugh::laugh:

I won't list on about where it is and how it feels, largely because I know cancer can take any forms (big/small, hard/soft, fixed/moveable). I guess I'm just here and introducing myself because I know feel a bit out of my depth - it's peculiar, when you think you know yourself fairly well and you find yourself just reacting differently to how you expect - and also to connect with people who are in the same boat, because it feels kind of lonely when you feel scared.

In spite of that, I am feeling appreciative today. In the last two weeks, my mind has allowed me to hunker down and get on with the job I love, and of course, allowed me to cope with all the demands of being a mum to 3 fantastic kids. Also, which is a massive bonus, I've really got to know my boobs! I always checked before, maybe monthly or so. But it was a bit half-arsed. I now check them everyday and as a result, I am really familiar with what 'normal' feels like for me (well, my right boob anyway!)

  • Hi Winnie,

    I feel exactly the same as you, it's a whirlwind of emotions. I found a lump in the outer upper quadrant of my left breast 8 days ago. After a mix up at the GP where they send for a routine referral by mistake, I spoke to them again yesterday and they sent an urgent 2 week referral yesterday. I got a call this afternoon to invite me to hospital tomorrow afternoon and I'm freaking out.

    My mum, husband, and mother in law all want to come with me, but like yourself I hate fuss and am quite pragmatic in my thinking. Ironically last year, we found out my mother in law had went through the same thing and didn't tell anyone about her appointment, she got the news she had cancer with nobody there to support her and we  all scolded her at the time. But I just feel more comfortable going myself....

    Sending you lots of luck for your appointment <3

  • Heya Rachel,

    I totally get that! Until only very recently, I found it sooo much easier to deal with significant stuff on my own. I think becquse I have such a practical approach and other people's emotions either set me off, or otherwise distract me. If you feel more comfortable going in alone, do reassure those around you, as they'll only be worried. If necessary, maybe they can sit in a cafe nearby and sit for you. I am taking my husband with me, only because even when he's worried, he's very calm, so I can tolerate him but no one else knows so far. Hopefully they'll be nothing to tell after tomorrow


    So sorry to hear about the GP mix up! It's really fortunate that you chased it up, and they got you in within the two weeks still. It seems a lot of trusts work slightly differently so it can be confusing with what to expect. I saw the GP and by the time I had walked home (15 minutes), I had my referral letter back, via text.

    Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow, I'll report back once I've been in  this is definitely only the most intensively anxious I've felt in a long time. Every slight noise is making me jump. I need a warm bath and to go to bed. Fortunately I have the day off to recover in any eventually.

    Linny x


  • Hope you don't mind me jumping on here - as above, I've been reading posts since getting my news last week. Still waiting on my biopsy results but consultant said last week possible outcome is surgery the radiotherapy. I'm absolutely petrified the results come back as something different. Hoping to go through this treatment without having to break my children's hearts.

    The anxious feeling on my stomach is unbearable the closer it gets to my results becoming available.

    thinking of you all xxx

  • Thank you for your lovely message JJ. Yep, my stomach is doing somersaults, can't remember when I ever felt so nervous. When do you get your results? Xx

  • I'm hoping to get them tomorrow after MDT. I think once I know what my treatment is going to be, I'll be able to focus more. 
    will you get your results tomorrow? 

  • Oh I hope you managed to find out some news which gives you some clarity. The waiting seems to be the worst. I remember when my Mum had BC, after every appointment, you'd have to wait for the next bit of news what is MDT? Sorry it might be obvious, my brain isn't really working today. I ended up finishing work after lunch today, I was hopeless.

    Tomorrow is my breast clinic first appointment, so ultrasound and mammogram. From there it'll either, completely fine (no more actions), probably fine (but biopsy to be sure), or probably not fine (biopsy to confirm).


    I feel more or less so it will be nothing on one hand, but at the same time almost convinced it'll be something sinister! Not long to wait in this limbo now fortunately ‍ 


    let me know how you get on tomorrow. Square breathing is helping me right now xx 

  • Wishing you all the best for tomorrow!

    an MDT is where the medical team get together to discuss my scans and biobsy report to decide on treatment plan.

    Hopefully this time tomorrow. I'll have a plan to focus on and you'll have had reassurance.

    I went to my appointment so naively last week thinking it was nothing more that a painful cyst that needed to be drained. The change in atmosphere during my ultrasound is something I'll never forget. X


    Hi Springywinnie,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. I have only just come across your post and can assure you that many of us feel that we are overreacting at this stage, but most of us do it regardless. I hope that your appointment at the breast clinic went well. Were they able to give you any reassurance? We all tend to panic when we are referred on a 2 week urgent pathway, but this is the norm. It is a fact that 80% of people who attend the clinic walk away without a cancer diagnosis, so here's hoping that you are one of the lucky ones.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on. We are always here for you.
    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Rachel,

    I am sorry to hear that you are in this unenvious position too. I am glad to hear that you eventually managed to get a 2 week urgent referral. I sincerely hope that all goes well for you tomorrow.

    I am a very self-sufficient and private person. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 13 years and lost my mum to secondary breast cancer. If you have a biopsy and have to return for results, I would strongly recommend that you take someone with you when you attend. If it does turn out to be cancer, you will feel totally bowled over and won't remember half of what is said to you, by the time you leave the consultation room. You'll find it very helpful to have an extra pair of ears there. You will also find it helpful to write down any questions you have for the consultant, as it is all too easy to forget something important in the heat of the moment.

    I shall be thinking of you tomorrow and keepingmy figers crossed for good news.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx



    Hi JJ1616,

    I hope that you get your results tomorrow, as there's nothing worse than waiting. It is always a worry when they find something at your first appointment, but it sounds as if you have cauught it early. It is terrible trying to deal with the unknown, you will feel much happier once you have a definite plan for the way forward. 

    I was first diagnosed 13 years ago and had a lumpectomy. The following year I had a second primary in the same breast and had a double mastectomy. I now lead a busy and fulfilling life.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,
    Jolamine xx