Mental health and trying to support partner who has cancer

Hi my name is  emelie i suffer badly with mental health  anxiety and depression  which i have on a daily basis, it can come and go

Also my partner  Simon  hasnt long been diagnosed with testicular cancer  and has had the operation  

Having to go to a sperm bank 

Then chemotherapy, and im struggling  bad and im very close to my parents  who are trying to help me  but i just want to deal with things  in my own time. Not many people understand  its very frustrating  for them  to see me like i am as i am normally a very happy and chatty girl 

  • Hi Esmith1207,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read about your partner - I hope everything is going OK so far and that the operation went well.

    It's natural to feel this way - however you're feeling, try not to question it but to accept it and to of course recognise that it can often be stressful or worrying when a loved one is going through something like this.

    It can often be helpful to write things down and to talk to people who are perhaps more neutral - and so do use this forum as much as you would like to for support. It's a very welcoming community of people and we're always here to listen.

    If you feel you'd like someone to talk to on the phone or to find out any options for additional support, our nurses are available on freephone 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator