Mental Health advice

Hi everyone,

I posted the other day about my Dad and his chemo med that he takes, but things progressed in the same day and Dad is back in hospital.

Since last August, my Dad has been admitted every 3 weeks like clockwork. I can see it coming, the change in behaviour and a certain look he has.

He was in hospital twice in December - all over Christmas and then went into a hospice end of January for two weeks and is now back in hospital.

Every time he goes in, he is diagnosed with a UTI, but I have been told that the infections have been barely seen in the bloods or samples. 

Every episode Dad has lasts for two weeks - he sleeps constantly to start and then turns aggressive. He is unable to have a conversation and forgets faces, places, dates etc. When he begins to recover, he is never as well as the previous time. He has lost his appetite and dropped almost 1st 7lb since January. He is a healthy man and been active all of his life and has always had a good appetite.

In hospital and at the hospice he requires a special or security to sit with him for up to 7 days as he wanders and thinks he sees people he knows. This time round is the same, but much worse. They carried out a memory test and he failed. He believes it is May in 1977 - the year his father died (I checked the death certificate tonight). He believes he is at work and is calling out names of people he worked with from 25 years ago. He knows something is wrong and is scared, but can't control it.

He had a head scan yesterday and it is clear of any cancer. He has stage 4 RCC which has spread to liver, lungs, adrenal glands and spleen. The scan shows damage from previous strokes. 

All they have said is his tests are clear and they believe his behaviour is the cancer. I disagree and I can honestly see a mental health issue, but they won't help me or investigate. When he was in the hospice they said it was mental health, but he isn't being helped further. They think his behaviour is normal. I know my Dad and this isn't normal. He is deteriorsting so quickly because of these episodes, yet the cancer is shrinking. They just won't listen and I don't know what to do. I have to give him the best quality of life he deserves, but they fob me off. He hallucinates frequently, he see his dog yesterday who died 6 years ago, he told me all of the people in the hospital weren't real and actually went to poke a patient today to find out. His eyes look glazed all the time.

Has anyone ever experienced this and can anyone advise on what I can do and say tomorrow to get them to investigate further? I have to help him as much as I can as he knows he isn't right.

Thank you and so sorry for the long message x

  • Hi Marie, I just wanted to pop on to ask how things went with your dad's doctors on Friday? I'm sorry to hear what an incredibly tough time of it you're both having. 

    We've asked our nurse team to take a look at your post and they will be along soon to reply, too. 

    If you would like to talk, they're also just on the other end of the phone: 0808 800 4040.

    Best wishes,



  • Hello Marie,

    I am one of the enquiry nurses. Our moderator, Jenn, asked us to have a look at your post. I am sorry to learn about your dad. It must be very distressing for you to see him this way.

    I am not sure how your dad has been getting on over the weekend and if he seems a little better. I hope so.

    Behavioral problems can be due to physical or mental ill health. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are well known to cause often very noticeable mental confusion in older people. So can some other physical problems which I expect your dad’s doctors will have been looking for. It sounds like they have been trying to find the cause, but although they have said they think it is the cancer, they don’t seem to have said how they think the cancer is doing this.

    I realise that by now you have probably already spoken to the doctors, but if you have the chance, perhaps it would help to ask them to explain in more detail so it makes more sense to you. Do press them for an answer and raise your concerns about these episodes. I am not sure why they are happening. If the doctors aren’t sure either, it seems reasonable to ask for a mental health assessment.

    If it would help to have a chat please give us a call. Our freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and we are here from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

    Best wishes,